There is no history for Republicans but revisionist history. - TopicsExpress


There is no history for Republicans but revisionist history. Sorry, Faux News viewers/victims... Saint Reagan isnt the model of perfection beside which every current presidential move should be gauged. As Doktor Zoom writes for Wonkette, Following last week’s shooting down of Malaysia Airlines flight MH 17, Fox News has been very busy criticizing Barack Obama for his completely insensitive actions in continuing on a fundraising tour, even though America’s national security was clearly at stake following the event (which may also have been just a distraction from the border crisis). After all, said the Foxies, Ronald Reagan didn’t go out on a fundraising tour when the USSR shot down a Korean Airlines 747 in 1983! He gave a very stern speech about the incident, which Fox showed clips of. Stupid Obama should have been more like Reagan, say Fox hosts like Megyn Kelly, Sean Hannity, and others. Which we suppose means that instead of immediately calling the Malaysian airliner shootdown an outrage of unspeakable proportions, Obama should have stayed on vacation for four days like Reagan did. Media Matters points out that at least one Fox anchor, Chris Wallace, who was covering Reagan for NBC in 1983, had the decency to call out his colleagues at Fox for distorting history, which probably means Chris Wallace is a communist or something...
Posted on: Wed, 23 Jul 2014 20:00:01 +0000

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