There is no human made climate change. All that propaganda is - TopicsExpress


There is no human made climate change. All that propaganda is about privatizing the global water resources, on the land and in in the air. The control of airspace is now more important, because if You can decide, where the rain should fall and where not, You decide over life and death. All the global conflicts are based on the water resources now , more than the disputes about oil and gas. The reason is very simple. For the production of gas and partly also oil You need water. So water is the foundation of all energy production. Please look here: Scientifically all that idea about Global Warming and Climate Change nonsense. The whole fear is built up around the rise of CO2, which should cause the warming. There is basic error in this speculation. The amount of CO2 in the atmosphere is defined only by the temperatures in the oceans. The oceans emit mor CO2, when they heat up and absorb a part of CO2, when they cool down. Are we able to cool the oceans? The stupid idea around CO2 is made up by inventing a Enhanced Greenhouse Effect by just cutting out the most importand heat absorber in the atmosphere, that is WATER. That is faked science, or just making up fake science for a political and business agenda. Do You want to pollute Your air a bunch of dangerous chemicals and give the control about rain to multinational companies? Look at the following picture about contributors to the Greenhouse Effect and verify the content or falsify it if You can: This one is about the real and faked Greenhouse Effect! Here You can see, that CO2 is very rare and one of the heaviest components, that is the reason, why most of it is under 500m. Water is one of the lightest components and can disperse easier to the higher levels of the Troposphere and partly also into the Tropopause. Science is about FACTS not FAKE according to a political agenda! Especially You in the growing economies like India, Brasil etc. should not fall into the trap of the new colonization, this time theft by propaganda. There is no human made global warming. It is a marketing project of big business! CO2 rate is 0.037% and is only a TRACE GAS. CO2 contribution by all human activity is 0.001% CO2 contribution by industry ca. 0.00002% Accordingly human influence on CO2 rate is practically ZERO. CO2 has a specific weight of 1.9g, as one of the heaviest components of the atmosphere. Therefore most of the CO2 is near at the surface, that is the reason flora an fauna can exist. Most CO2 is in the oceans. When the oceans seasonly heat up then they emit more CO2 into the atmosphere. When the oceans seasonly cold down then they absorb CO2 from the atmosphere. CO2 rate in the atmosphere is modified by the temperature of the oceans. Rising CO2 rate is not the reason for warming, it is only an indicator of warmer oceans. At a rate of 150ppm most plants cannot survive, they suffocate because of lack of CO2. At a rate of 820ppm the e.g. the trees grow at double speed. It is no problem for the flora having 2000ppm or 4000ppm, in those days oceans were warmer, the whole planet had only tropical and subtropical climate zones and the flora and fauna were thriving. We use still today the coal stores built during those days. Without the flora (plants) all complex fauna (all animals, including humans) would die.
Posted on: Sun, 16 Nov 2014 19:27:20 +0000

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