There is no path to a PDP victory at the polls. The numbers just - TopicsExpress


There is no path to a PDP victory at the polls. The numbers just do not add up for their team. When you add that to the PDP fatigue in the country, you can tell it is time for change. This party has ruled the country for the last 16 years, if you let it go to 20 the country is headed towards a one party state. Is that what you want. These are the logistics that make a PDP victory highly unlikely. What makes a PDP victory impossible is when you add the logistics issue to the sheer incompetence and failure of this last PDP administration. I have continually asked the PDP sympathizers on this site to enumerate the achievements of the incumbent president but I am always met with avoidance and defections, sometimes even abuse. Well it is clear why this administration cannot be returned to rule Nigeria. First we need a government and not a ruling party. Second we cannot reward a party that has turned in a failing report card. The survival of our democracy is at stake. We need a courageous president that will not hide in Aso Rock to celebrate our independence day, we need a president that can articulate his vision for Nigeria in whatever language he chooses, we need a president that is not dependent on attack dogs such as Abati, Fani-Kayode, or Okupe, we need a president that does not pal around with wanted criminals such as Alams or Kashamu, we need a president that will not condone corruption in high places and stupendous amounts, billions of Naira at NNPC, billions by Oduah at Aviation, billions at Petroleum by Diezani, we need a president that will not insult our democracy by having his wife collect a permanent secretary’s pay in a state she does not even reside in, we need a president that will not insult our democracy by having his wife control and order governors and police commissioners around, we need a president that will not stand by and not discipline anyone when applicant’s for government jobs die in a stampede at the interview site, we need a president that will not sit by while his minister disobeys congressional invitation for oversight responsibilities, we need a president that will not use our political offices to reward his failed governorship candidates, we need a president that will not sit idly while the economy goes to shambles within just a month of oil prices plunging, WE NEED A PRESIDENT THAT IS NOT GOODLUCK JONATHAN!!!
Posted on: Mon, 05 Jan 2015 20:19:19 +0000

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