There is no red pill, and there no blue pill; either you learn to - TopicsExpress


There is no red pill, and there no blue pill; either you learn to stand on your own two feet when you can no longer distract from the divide between real and implemented reality, or you distract. This is beyond learning a new language or learning a new culture, this is more like learning to live in another world where there is no language or culture and I dare say that there is no real material experience to be found either, though this is a severely insightful experience on things such as language, culture, free will, and even willpower. This is the act of facing everything inside ourselves without allowing the mind to fool us into distractions and counter-productive cycles in order to see the divide between what is real and what is the perception of the mind. The red pill is opening ourselves up like a self aware oyster to find our inner pearl; that inner pearl is the universal dance and song. It is a worthy battle in the sense of a reward and an honourable one in the sense of finding our inner strength. Anything thats in the mind telling you cant at least start walking this path is worth challenging, because I guarantee you that in the end anybody can do it. Remember, the multiverse theory says there is an alternate reality in the third dimension that contains you walking down your path of the peaceful warrior, even one with your exact circumstances. Like in the movie, you might just lose everything you know, and the real, disillusioned world may become grey and unbearable but I promise that like on the movie you will discover that there is another, much deeper world where much more is possible and the insight it gives you will help you make every step you take in this world divine. It is possible to walk in both worlds and everywhere in between. Namaste~
Posted on: Mon, 05 Jan 2015 20:18:49 +0000

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