There is no right or wrong.. there is only what makes you feel - TopicsExpress


There is no right or wrong.. there is only what makes you feel comfortable in your own skin, as long as you dont harm another! You dont have to live by anyones rules, labels, concepts, definitions, ideologies or beliefs! People make books. Books do not make people. People who constantly judge you, fail to see anyone who is not a copy of them, and when they fail to comprehend you they try to define you in terms they can understand! People will mostly hate in you what they hate in themselves, but its easier for them to see it in you, then to face themselves with what they hate about themselves. Some people will always avoid you for no specific or obvious reasons, and they shouldnt matter much, and all that matter are those who do not wear masks with you... people who have no agendas behind being nice. You will make sacrifices for the people you love, and its okay to compromise your comfort in the process. You will have to do it at some point. Youre not living alone, unless you chose complete selfishness but dont blame people when they leave you find yourself forsaken. Life is about giving and taking. One way never works, if it works for sometime, it fails after a while. Complete selflessness, doesnt really exist. Even selfless people are gratified by what they do for others. You can be selfless to a degree, we all need to abandon our egos for sometime. Respecting others is something you do because you are respectful, not because all the people deserve it. Respect can be shown in tiny little acts, for instance, being decent to someone you dont necessarily like because you know you will not change them. Always thank those who tell you No. Youre always up for something better.. (tried & true). Never set peoples expectations too high of you. Keep a fair distance from people and youll probably keep them for a longer time. Dont speak in the name of people and act haughtily. This is schizophrenic! Promises are myths. Nothing is guaranteed. Never regret being kind to someone who has been mean to you, over & over, unless you are planning to change how good you are because of how mean they were! Detachment is awesome. Do it, but not when someone that loves you, needs you. Be human, as much and as long as you can. It could take an effort but fighting to remain human keeps you a step away from being the monster you complain of. The world is not revolving around you, or your needs, or your comfort zone and personal space...just for the record. I am not preaching, and I couldnt care less what anyone thinks of what I just wrote. These are my two cents. Things I learned and lived by, and there was a price... a very high one. #Note_to_self #Note_to_those_who_still_listen!
Posted on: Thu, 10 Apr 2014 00:50:05 +0000

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