There is no such thing as "let arts be arts, and politics be - TopicsExpress


There is no such thing as "let arts be arts, and politics be politics". People who keep saying that do not even understand the very nature of art works. "Art works outlast all other forms of objects. Because of their outstanding permanence, works of art are the most intensely worldly of all tangible things; their durability is untouched by the corroding effects of natural processes. Art works always involve some form of reification of thought, stories of mortals who engage in action ad speech. Without art works that caption these stories, they would not survive at all." --Arendt, Hannah, The Human Condition (2003:167). What makes a person truly human is his/her engagement in political action and speech. By captioning actions and speech, art works are thus by nature the most political, as well as the most worldly, objects on earth. Through genuine depictions of the reality, art works help to perpetuate and crystallize political actions that otherwise would just disappear and gone with the wind.
Posted on: Thu, 25 Jul 2013 06:28:09 +0000

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