There is not a day goes by that we are not reminded of the tragic - TopicsExpress


There is not a day goes by that we are not reminded of the tragic losses of life that occurred on 9/11. There are many Americans who for whatever reason bought the official story quickly framed for us by the mainstream media as directed by the media. We also saw how quickly those who were strong enough to challenge the official story and ask the tough questions were punished for not playing along within the parameters of their game. Dan Rather for example was one of the journalist who was quickly moved from his well deserved position to online web news service for not following orders from the top and speaking the truth as asking logical and sensible questions. There are countless numbers of first responders, firemen, police officers and survivors from the World Trade Center building collapses that had very relevant first hand information and details that concurred with the fire fighters as to what really happened inside those buildings on the morning of September 11th. Unfortunately, their first hand reports and recollections of what happened was quickly suppressed by the media and never talked about or shown again on mainstream media news networks. However, many of these interviews are still available on various websites and YouTube videos. The video in this post is just one of those and the most recent account as presented by a dedicated fireman that is not afraid to share his story and details of events that we know as 9/11. The most curious and unbelievable events of that day, was the collapse of building 7 which was NOT hit by a plane but fell free fall style in the exact same fashion as the first two yet there has been very little discussion or even acknowledgement of that buildings collapse. Watch this short video and listen to this dedicated long term retired fire fighters story of what happened in his words that terrible day. It is a terrible injustice to those who lost their lives and their families to not fight for the truth of this despicable planned false flag disaster acted out on its own people. Innocent American citizens and workers. https://youtube/v/nQrpLp-X0ws?version=3&autohide=1&autoplay=1
Posted on: Mon, 20 Oct 2014 21:09:04 +0000

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