There is not a single being in samsara, being it a preta or from - TopicsExpress


There is not a single being in samsara, being it a preta or from the other five realms, who in the course of time without beginning has never been our father or mother for millions of times. When they were our parents just like our present ones, their kindness and bounty to us could never be paid back. All of these beings have no idea how to make correct choices about positive and negative actions, thus still tormented by the miseries of the six realms of existence. Now so fortunately we are kindly accepted by qualified masters, so we must vow to benefit them with the nectar of the true Dharma so as to repay their enormous kindness and favor. It is for their well-being that we are going to pray for His blessing, listen to the profound Dharma and put it into practice. We have listed some examples to explain how to cultivate bodhicitta on a daily basis. In fact, there are other similar kinds of extraordinary methods. We must make great vows and constantly pray to the teacher and the Three Jewels for Their blessings to arouse the true bodhicitta inside us. Continuously integrate the mind of benefitting others with our regular practices and daily lives, particularly with our ordinary trifles, thus in this way we can gradually develop our treasure-like bodhicitta. 所有鬼道眾生和其他六道眾生一樣,都曾經做過我們無數次的父母,都如同現世父母一樣,對我們恩重如山,如今他們還不懂取捨善惡、還在飽受輪回之苦,而我們能夠值遇正法明師,所以下定決心要以正法甘露饒益他們、回報他們的恩德,為此而祈禱、發願、努力修持善法! 在日常修持菩提心方面,我們舉了一些例子,其實還有很多類似的善巧方法。我們必需發願並祈請上師三寶加持自己能生起真實的菩提心,將利益眾生的發心融入修行和生活中,從小事做起,這樣經常串習,漸漸就可生起如意寶般的菩提心。
Posted on: Thu, 27 Jun 2013 06:35:55 +0000

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