There is nothing attempted, no consumption or belief in self, as - TopicsExpress


There is nothing attempted, no consumption or belief in self, as being the hand (ego) but as the pen, a conduit, one whose need to breathe is the life for me as artist, death is the self seeking to be praised, artistic creation is merely a background. I hope this is read as an attempt to pursed you with humility and not conceit, but I have to say when I look at art of the day, I question the how, but not the image, if studied with an eye to see, not merely look quickly passing from image to image, is what needs taught. The new art as art in its respect and dignity and a separation form pictures of puppy dogs mass produced to the lowest common denominator. Not to degrade the masses, but give them some belief in arts sanctity, understand what is not easily assessable to some does not belittle the rest if you raise standards. Once the audience or masses gained awareness through rigorous re-education and communicated to the audience with respect for their intelligence, there may slowly appeal the new beginning of a separation from craft for the purpose as craft from art and its history from Michelangelo to Cezanne to Picasso to Jean Michel Basquiat to Banksy, artist whose creations raise the consciousness of the human experience the same as music, dance, film and all forms living on generations to remind us of being a human history. Its beauty and its values. Man’s honest journey/journal for future generations not even born will need a point of reference since existence is now their turn to define and model. As artist think as artist who creates for galleries, museums and history. Do not take finical gain by making a decoration hung over a couch and speak of it as art. I do not mean to insult craft-artists, but ask yourself has the concept of art and its degeneration through cheap commodities lessened the once relished and priceless? Why is it not the art world to turn the tide and redefine through example of suffering as Van Gogh, refusing to refer to your craft as art and stop the insidious painting with money. Create from our human unanswerable capacity to express joy and sorrow, a Mona Lisa to the Last Supper to David to Sun Flowers and Water Lilies to Soup Cans. You who have the space, the gallery owner, will in great part determine the next resurgence of authentic unwavering revelations by known and emerging artist. You can also continue juried competitions at unethical entry fees to win prize money. This is the land of Sodom and Gomorrah in the quest for the artist. Exhibitions seek to rape them with entries few can pay then insult them with prize money for the art leaving the perception artist are like donkeys stupidity creation simply for the carrot. But, the money won is justification some will use to define what is the best when it is these individuals who must cease participation in these events, stand with pride and hold a great position in being the one who bore the courage to believe an artist who works and then when its submitted is not simply buying space on a wall. The criticisms are flying already those who want the comments as to what is art and what is crafts and why is one better or worse or winning money fictitiously by first paying a ruse. These are the voices who worry. Are they losings the foundation they help construct which sells invisible paintings or garbage hung from a wall to inflict mass pollution. The Emperors new clothing as that which has value is what insults the masses who look at the statue of David and are now told a room full of blocks of wood is art. They are told they share similarities with lengthy nonsense art speak so the masses eventually give and feel stupid. The galleries mock art becomes for the intelligible who know deep down they have no clue what they are saying, but if you confuse enough people the non-sense becomes doctrine. The artist has no choice, and if this is your hobby, you are not the same. Eternity burns through artist while creating images for others leaving empty and vague understanding, but they are among those what attempted the eternal. May they rise again. And may you sell your baskets and rugs and key holders designed the barns at craft shows and I wish you well on you endeavor but do the same with respect for the artist that you are not and that is not a bad thing.
Posted on: Wed, 01 Oct 2014 11:08:48 +0000

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