There is nothing more necessary than truth, and in comparison with - TopicsExpress


There is nothing more necessary than truth, and in comparison with it everything else has only secondary value. ~ Friedrich Nietzsche, 1890 The seventh Universal Truth is, Effectiveness is the measure of truth. In Hawaiian this is Pono: Goodness, uprightness, morality, moral qualities, correct or proper procedure, excellence, well-being, prosperity, welfare, benefit, behalf, equity, sake, true condition or nature, duty; moral, fitting, proper, righteous, right, upright, just, virtuous, fair, beneficial, successful, in perfect order, accurate, correct, eased, relieved; should, ought, must, necessary. Truth is not an absolute, so THE truth, or absolute truth, or ultimate truth, is illusion or idealism. Truth is a reflection of reality, and it is necessary to understand it in order to acquire knowledge; but it is not static, it is forever changing as reality is forever changing. “Lets be about leaving this world better than we find it each and every day. Our life is a testimony and through us divine loving is becoming more manifest. Greater good is calling upon us here in this world to be done this day. One of my rallying calls is lets go out and do some good. This is who we are. This is what we are about.” ― John Morton, The Blessings Already Are Every sentence you utter must be understood not in an affirmation, but a question. We typically fear, try to avoid, ignore or try to get away from problems. Yet, a problem is simply a question that has not been answered yet. Any problem, from the trivial to the tremendous, is really a question searching for an answer. Here are a few examples of problems and their associated questions. Global warming: “How can we stop destroying the earth and live the lives we want?” Poverty: “How can we equally distribute the wealth of the world so that people don’t have to go without the basic necessities of life.” Unemployment: “How can we get everyone working in jobs that produce wealth for themselves and help society function better as well?” Companionship: How can I meet the person of my dreams or find real love?’ These are not easy questions. However, your mind has a built in automatic search function (known to Psychologists as the embedded presupposition factor), which means that when you ask yourself a question, your mind automatically searches for the answer. Emerson called it the First Law of Attraction, which means that what you focus on (the thought seeds that you plant) will grow and bear fruit. Energy flows where attention goes……….. If you only change the statements you say without changing the questions you ask, you are missing out on the fastest, easiest way to change your life that has ever been discovered. If you ask yourself negative questions like, “Why do these things happen to me?” You will get disempowered. Ask negative questions get negative answers. EMPOWERING QUESTIONS = EMPOWERING ANSWERS Empowering questions cause the mind to focus on what you have vs what you lack. Asking empowering questions leads to feelings of self-esteem and a positive self-image –because your mind automatically begins to focus on What’s RIGHT instead of what is wrong. Empowering questions lead directly to answers that tell the truth about Who You Are.
Posted on: Tue, 22 Apr 2014 18:38:34 +0000

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