There is nothing we can do. That is the sad truth. W unleashed the - TopicsExpress


There is nothing we can do. That is the sad truth. W unleashed the dogs of hell when we invaded Iraq and took down Saddam, the strong man dictator who was keeping these people from each others throats and had a secular state. Now, it is a toxic mix of a war over oil/gas, pipeline routes and religion and tribalism. The Sunnis got shut out of the Iraq government, after being in charge under Saddam - and they are pissed. Did you notice how long it took them to say they might fight against ISIS? The Saudis and other Gulf states want a war with Iran - for religious reasons and tribal reasons, and gas line reasons - only they dont want to get their precious rich hands dirty. Oh, no. They have been hiring mercenaries and they want the US military to be their very best mercenary - to hit Iran. Sorry, I do not warm up to doing dirty work for a bunch of guys who chop off heads all the damn time and wont even let women drive cars. They stirred this whole mess up, in the first place - and they got our usual suspects of neo-con bastards to help them out with it. THE USUAL. John Perkins would doubtless have something to say about how oil and gas and pipelines are part of this story. That will come out - later! So, Obama gets shoved into this. And I am sure he knows it. And McCain and the usual suspects are gloating, seeing him squirm -as we head into the mid-terms that they have such a great nasty PR job done on the usual USA panic people that there is no other choice but to make Obama go back on his word to get us out of the Middle East wars. They are absolutely determined to get some war with Obamas name on it - that is the only way they can redeem W and Cheney and by golly, they are going to do it no matter how many Arab sheiks they have to get in bed with to pull it off. Meanwhile, just the sight of our uniforms or our drones is enough to make more kids grow up to want to kill Americans. Nobody has figured that out by now? And whose side are we on, anyway? Whose? Pick a side and the other side hates us for centuries. Great. There is nothing we can do to get these people to stop fighting. The Saudis and Co could stop it - but they dont really want to. They want to provoke Iran to come out in the open and fight the US. How does it feel to be the used ones in a proxy war, for a change? Karmic?
Posted on: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 04:52:33 +0000

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