There is one big problem everyone will face when trying to get - TopicsExpress


There is one big problem everyone will face when trying to get really lean and stay muscular. To get thin and scrawny is no big deal: just eat less calories and exercise the shit out of the fat cells. What you end up with is a six pack but also way less muscle. So unless looking like a ballerina is your goal, you got to stop being reasonable. To get lean and I mean real lean, not Hollywood lean where a flat stomach is considered a true six pack, you cannot eat for performance or for energy. Why? Because you are supposed to be in an energy deficit you see! What happens when you expend more energy than you take in? You get TIRED! YES! So, if you never get tired or feeling exhausted, its obvious your body is all good and not really in need to burn more fat than usual. Its critical to keep your strength in the gym as you lean out. Yes, I know, it does not make sense, with less calories supporting your training it should be normal and ok to be a little more moderate with the intensity right? It should be advisable to train a little lighter? I know many people believe so, but I am really not one of those! I do not care if you physiologically are less optimated to train intensely due to calorie restriction. I do not care you have not had your regular pre workout carbs. Everyone is strong when you eat for energy. Training with the muscles full with carbs are more fun than having to push through workout after workout being more or less depleted or drained. Of course it sucks you got to PUSH through that mental barrier that tells you to slow down, get yourself some rest, slack a bit. It takes way more discipline to see beyond that and not blame the diet for dragging your feet in the gym! So, how can you train hard if you dont supply your body with a perfect amount of calories for performance? Well, you just refuse to accept the laws of nature! You got to believe you are as strong as ever. The dieting is a kind of meditation. You get stronger the more you do it. Successful dieting and the results that come from it make you a lot more mentally powerful than most other things or tasks in life. Dieting strictly requires being able to see beyond the moment and you need to be able to shut out the brains attempts to stop you from pushing 100%. Every time you go to the gym you set yourself up for a battle. Yes, you are going to battle against your own laziness or will to slack. Stop checking yourself on how tired you are, how exhausted you feel, all that does is hypnotizing you to feel it even more. Its natural to feel worn out when you are trying to get really really lean. No human body wants to be that way so of course it will try to resist you! If it was easy everyone would look the way you wanna look.
Posted on: Tue, 13 Jan 2015 00:49:56 +0000

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