There is one thing I know for sure about revival, that revival - TopicsExpress


There is one thing I know for sure about revival, that revival only comes from hungering and thirsting after righteousness. To hunger and thirst for righteousness means you are HEAVEN bent on being established in the finished work of Christ, which reveals YOU as the righteousness of God in Christ. This means you will never settle for any belief, reality, or mind set that lives apart from Jesus in you or around you. When you see oppression, sickness, and the works of darkness in you or around you a FIRE should arise within to see and KNOW what Jesus accomplished through his death, burial, and resurrection be made manifest in the earth! It is a place of tension that Paul lived in: For I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content. I know both how to be abased, and I know how to abound: every where and in all things I am instructed both to be full and to be hungry, both to abound and to suffer need. ~ Philippians 4:11-12 I encourage every believer to step into the FIRE of Gods presence and allow him to consume you! His love will compel you, His fire will CAUSE you to speak the gospel, His faith will empower YOU to believe, His grace and mercy will cause you to fear Him, and His Holy Spirit will direct you into the truth of His Word!
Posted on: Tue, 18 Nov 2014 19:43:36 +0000

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