There is one year from now that we will be in the election cycle - TopicsExpress


There is one year from now that we will be in the election cycle for November 2014. On November 4th 2014, you can either make your voice heard about the future of your life according to the policies the Government would implement that affect you or not. If you choose to remain silent at the polls and vocal here, it is of no consequence. Get involved and register and show up to make a difference. Every state has a site similar to the one linked below for Georgia and in most cases you can register online. You can also print a single page registration form that folds in half and you simply have to tape the edge together and stick it in the mailbox since it is pre-paid postage to your Secretary of State. in the most critical election of our lives, the percentage of people that showed up in 2012 to determine the leader of this nation was embarrassingly low. This is simply unacceptable for the governed to allow those that govern them to run roughshod over their will. If the governed does not make their will known, it will only continue. Quote from article linked below: A cliff-hanger presidential election, major issues at stake, an estimated $6 billion spent in the 2012 campaigns and an eight million person increase in the eligible voters all failed to sustain the upward momentum for turnout from 2004 and 2008. Voter turnout dipped from 62.3 percent of eligible citizens voting in 2008 to an estimated 57.5 in 2012. That figure was also below the 60.4 level of the 2004 election but higher than the 54.2 percent turnout in the 2000 election. Despite an increase of over eight million citizens in the eligible population, turnout declined from 131 million voters in 2008 to an estimated 126 million voters in 2012 when all ballots are tallied. Some 93 million eligible citizens did not vote. So, Get registered and get involved. The conservative vote was the lowest in years and has the highest chance to overwhelm the vote considering it would only take a few percentages added to the overall 57% to create a landslide victory. You know the unions and the other side are organized to bring out the vote at a much higher percentage that 57%, it is time we make our voices heard as well. If you stayed at home or never got registered, you have a year, make it happen.
Posted on: Fri, 01 Nov 2013 13:57:39 +0000

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