There is ongoing debate on whether humans need to eat animals for - TopicsExpress


There is ongoing debate on whether humans need to eat animals for health reasons. An objective way to determine the probable diet for mammals, including humans, is to examine what anatomical and physiological features point to as the most suitable diet. So let’s compare humans’ anatomical structures and physiological features with those of carnivores, omnivores, and herbivores. Carnivores such as lions and omnivores such as bears have reduced facial muscles to allow for a wide mouth gape to clamp down on and tear apart their prey, while herbivores such as giraffes have well-developed facial muscles with a small mouth opening compared to their head size. Humans also have well-developed facial muscles, exemplified by our many facial expressions, and a small mouth opening. The jaw joints of carnivores and omnivores are hinge-type arrangements on the same plane as their molar teeth to allow for strong clamping motion. In contrast, the jaw joints of herbivores sit above the plane of teeth to allow greater mobility for chewing, as with humans. Carnivores and omnivores have good shearing jaw motion but minimal side-to-side motion; herbivores have no shearing motion at all, but good side-to-side and front-to-back motion. Consider cats (carnivores) and dogs (omnivores) at meal time. They swallow their food whole, without chewing. But watch a rabbit or a deer (herbivore) eat, and it’s evident that extensive chewing takes place before swallowing, as with humans. The incisors of carnivores and omnivores are short and pointed, designed for grasping and shredding flesh; those of herbivores are broad, flattened and spade-shaped. Human incisors are also broad, flattened, and spade-shaped. Canine teeth on carnivores and omnivores are long, sharp, and curved for stabbing and tearing prey. In herbivores, these teeth are blunted and can be small, absent, or prominent for defensive purposes only. Human canine teeth bear no resemblance to those of carnivores; ours are short and blunted. Molars in carnivores and omnivores have jagged edges while those in herbivores are flattened, with cusps. Human molars are squarish and also have nodular cusps. Carnivores and omnivores do not have digestive enzymes in their saliva, while herbivores and humans both have carbohydrate digestive enzymes. Stomach acidity in carnivores and omnivores has a pH of 1 or less, strong enough to kill pathogens in raw flesh. In contrast, stomach acidity of herbivores has a pH between 4 and 5 — again, same as humans. Because carnivores and omnivores swallow their prey in chunks, their stomachs make up 65 per cent of their digestive tract volume. In contrast, predigested food of herbivores, due to extensive chewing, requires a stomach size of less than 30 per cent. Human stomach capacity is even lower at 25 per cent, as it is not meant for storing animal body parts. The length of the small intestines in carnivores and omnivores is only three to six times their body length; in herbivores, it’s 10 to 12 times their body length to allow for adequate absorption of nutrients. Similarly, our intestinal length is 10 to 11 times. In carnivores and omnivores, the colon is simple, short, and smooth. In herbivores, the colon is long, complex, and may be sacculated. Our colon is long and sacculated. Carnivores and omnivores can detoxify vitamin A in their livers, while herbivores cannot. Neither can humans. Finally, carnivores and omnivores have sharp claws (cats and raccoons), while herbivores (cows and elephants) have flattened nails or blunt hoofs. Humans have flattened nails. The similarity in anatomy and physiology between humans and herbivores, plus the contrasting differences between humans and carnivores or omnivores, demonstrate that our bodies are designed to eat plants, not animals. Incidentally, the most common cause of death by choking is meat. What about Paleo? Anthropologist Nathaniel Dominy specializes in the relationship between diet and evolution of the anatomical form for human and non-human primates. He indicates this about the hunter-gatherer diet being meat-based, “That’s a myth. Hunter-gathers, the majority of their calories come from plant foods ... meat is just too unpredictable.” Craig Stanford of University of Southern California and co-director of the Jane Goodall Research Center says, “Chimpanzees are largely fruit eaters, and meat composes only about three per cent of the time they spent eating overall.” That three per cent includes termites, their main non-plant food source. In fact, the World Health Organization recommends that humans obtain only five to 10 per cent of calories from protein. The “incomplete” protein myth was erroneously conceived and brought to the forefront in Frances Moore-Lappé’s 1971 book, Diet for a Small Planet, which she later recanted in the 1981 edition of her book. Unfortunately, the misconception persists. The American Dietetic Association concluded that complementing proteins at meals is “totally unnecessary.” Moreover, it has been shown that no improvements are gained by combining plant foods so that their combined amino acid profile resembles meat, eggs, or dairy. After all, where do elephants, elk, and hippos get their protein from? Plants! Anthropological evidence and scientific comparison of our anatomical and physiological features demonstrate that humans are designed to be plant-eaters. Is it any wonder then, that many of today’s chronic diseases can be halted or reversed with a diet nature designed for Homo sapiens, that is, a plant-based diet? Patricia Tallman is an environmental policy consultant and founder of the Langley Herbivores, a community group that promotes a plant-based diet.
Posted on: Mon, 26 Aug 2013 21:45:17 +0000

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