There is reigning among us like some kind of sovereign ideology - TopicsExpress


There is reigning among us like some kind of sovereign ideology these days, the notion that we as human beings are in charge of the future of this planet. That whether or not there is an earth thousands of years from now depends on us. That somehow if we are to preserve this planet, we have to change our behavior in a significant way. We are all very much aware of the fact that we are living in a world that is trying to go green. That’s kind of the idea. There is even now a standard green color that you’re going to find showing up on all kinds of products unrelated really, or perhaps sometimes related to environmental issues, just to relentlessly put before you the necessary realization that we need to do everything we can to keep the planet green and not destroy it. The assumption is that we have the power to do that. We have the opportunity to do that. We have the stupidity to do that. And if we’re not corrected, and redirected, we will do that…….. …And certainly we need to be stewards of the planet and its renewable resources that have been placed here by God for us. But recently we have another massive kind of pseudoscientific scare tactic that has literally taken over our thinking. It is the latest in the fads, the doomsday fads. And it is so sad to me to see that the evangelical world is sucking up this fad and using up its money and its time and its energy in an effort to save the earth. There is an Evangelical, Environmental Network that produces something called the Creation Care Magazine. The Evangelical Environmental Network put out a document that was signed by hundreds of evangelical leaders, many of them would be known to you by name…college presidents, seminary presidents, pastors, teachers, theologians, leaders of Christian organizations and ministries, and collectively they’ve all signed this document as a call to care for the planet, to heal the damaged fabric of the creation and to work for the healing of creation. The bottom line is, they think that what is really the culprit is global warming. This is the main abuse of the planet by people. Evangelicals have become obsessed with these environmental issues. When I say obsessed, I mean obsessed. Christianity Today,in the US a leading magazine, came out in favor of a McCain/Leiberman global warming bill which the President opposed and the Senate rejected. One evangelical leader said, I quote, “The earth is God’s body and He wants us to look after it.” What in the world kind of theology is that? Green Bible And then I recently, this week, received an advertisement for the newest study Bible. It’s called The Green Bible. And you will find it on CBD, with all the other Christian books. The product description is, “The definitive Green Movement Bible shows that God is green. The Green Bible equips and encourages you to see God’s vision for creation and helps you engage in the work of healing and sustaining creation. Are you kidding me? I’m supposed to overturn the curse and take care of the planet? This Bible contains a thousand references to the Earth. Four hundred and ninety references to heaven and five hundred and thirty references to love. Essays are from leading conservationists and theologians on how to read the Bible through a green lens. By the way, verses that speak of God’s care for creation are in green ink. There is a green topical index. There is a green Bible trail study guide. And this whole thing is printed on recycled paper, used a soy based ink and has a cotton/linen cover. Please forgive me if I don’t buy this even FOR FREE ALSO.
Posted on: Mon, 26 Aug 2013 07:58:38 +0000

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