There is so much positive research, and also, so much negative - TopicsExpress


There is so much positive research, and also, so much negative research, concerning Facebook. Looking back at so many posts, (including my own), I want to Thank you for helping me to get to where I am today and also, apologize, for posting anything that, honestly, I couldnt let go of and wanting to try to right, wrongdoings. Facebook, when used constructively, can do what it was created to do; reach out to others and a new way, at the time, to pass information along. Overtime, advanced and ever growing technology, (which many times is abused), not wanting to address issues, face to face, and honestly, wanting someone to know how we feel; when we dont have the courage to address relationships and problems. Just my opinion, but I believe is one of the main reasons that personnel relationships have suffered, greatly: There are some important issues and highs and lows, that we need to respect and keep private, person to person. (Yes, I know that I have been guilty of this, and I am a work in progress. If I have ever offended anyone, I am truly sorry and it was never my intentions.) I will Always tell the truth and I respect peoples view and outlooks; even those who are not the same, as mine. I agree to disagree, as long as they arent intended to be unkind and cause someone pain. Life is full of the exhilarating highs and also, the deep valleys, the lows: I believe, wholeheartedly, that it takes the good and the bad; to truly appreciate life and also, to truly realize; how blessed we each are. Many posts, that I have been so fortunate to be part of; have made me laugh, hysterically, and also, many posts that have broken my heart and left me on my hands and knees, praying. Life is such a precious gift: Thank you for letting me be part of your lives, and also, thank you for being part of mine. You guys have helped me, more than you will ever know, and because of many of you, I have never felt so alive, so grateful, so thankful and so blessed. I wish all of your much happiness and thank you for helping me to get mine back; It feels so great & so right! Love you all and asking everyone to practice Random Acts of Kindness, everyday. (From a simple smile, opening a door, being kind and blessing others; with the intentions of no one ever knowing out, that it was you.) Life is hard enough and everyone we meet, is fighting some kind of battle. When we are able to lift others, up, make someone smile, listen to them, cry with them, just being there and knowing that you are, and lastly, but most importantly; the Power of Prayer. Together, we can change the world, for the better, and make life so much more beautiful. Love you and Thank you, with everything that I am.(; Very Heartfelt!!!
Posted on: Tue, 08 Apr 2014 00:18:17 +0000

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