There is so much suffering taking place today. Our world, the one - TopicsExpress


There is so much suffering taking place today. Our world, the one we used to know is changing quickly and things are not the way they use to be. We hear of more sickness, death, loss of jobs, money and so on and we are left thinking . . . Why? I have heard it said recently that God tests us and makes us suffer to build us and strengthen us. I do not agree with that statement entirely but I trust that God has a plan for everything and He is always in control, whether we see it or not. Suffering comes in many forms and situations and if we stop and really look at why we may be suffering the root cause is usually revealed. Not always but in many cases. The people of Jerusalem were suffering greatly when their city was attacked and Jeremiah – the weeping prophet – suffered because of their loss and struggles as he watched them and their city crumble. In Lamentations – written by Jeremiah – the prophet cries out to God, speaking of his suffering on behalf of the people. God did not make Jeremiah suffer or the people of Jerusalem suffer rather God allowed the suffering of the people to promote growth and healing. Being disobedient in any form will bring upon us as individuals and collectively as a Nation, suffering. In Jeremiah’s case, he was interceding on behalf of those who had made the decision to disobey God. He cried out when the people could not or would not. God did not make Jeremiah suffer. In the book of Job we see an example of God’s ultimate power in the suffering of another. Throughout the entire text God allowed Satan to torment and harass Job . . . God did not make Job suffer. He was in control through the entire event but again, God did not make Job suffer. So why do we suffer? As with the people in Jerusalem for example, their suffering was a direct result of their disobedience to God. The drug addict will suffer greatly if he or she does not turn from the drug and get help and continue to get help until he or she is free from the suffering. They brought about the suffering themselves. The angry person suffers daily due to their unforgiveness. The gossiper will suffer due to his or her nasty tongue. God does not make the suffering but He will allow you to feel the reaction to your actions. Let me say that again, God will allow you to suffer and experience the reaction to your actions to include choices and behaviors. If faith and trust in God exists in your life then be encouraged because through the suffering you will be made whole and complete. God will hold each of us accountable in this life and the next, for our choices and behavior just like a child who cheats on a test. There is corrective action for the cheating; there is suffering for cheating on the test. I could go on and on with this topic because there is so much to learn and grow from but in closing we have to ask ourselves what are we to do in our times of suffering? I say REJOICE! Thank God for every challenge and struggle. All of the aches and pains, loss and death or sickness. I know that may sound crazy but it works and will take you to places you have never dreamed of. Be grateful for what you have in this moment, learn from every struggle and time of suffering and do not give up. James, Jesus’ brother not the apostle said in James 1:2-7 (NIV) the following: 2 Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters,1 whenever you face trials of many kinds, 3 because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. 4 Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. 5 If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you. 6 But when you ask, you must believe and not doubt, because the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind. 7 That person should not expect to receive anything from the Lord. 8 Such a person is double-minded and unstable in all they do. Be blessed today, tomorrow and for the rest of your lives. Look to the Father for understanding in all situations, all suffering, and rejoice as you walk through the storm with Jesus holding your hand. I pray God reveals to you today understanding, comfort and peace in your times of suffering. Much love, Jerri
Posted on: Thu, 15 Aug 2013 10:10:50 +0000

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