There is so much talk about vision. Grab you vision, have a - TopicsExpress


There is so much talk about vision. Grab you vision, have a vision, live your vision, see, feel, grab, act So much about vision. As I sat here this morning I thought about the many times in my life where there was a huge void in that category. All I could think about was, I wish I could see the forest through the trees. I dont see anything ahead. Over the years I have come to embrace my connection with my God and the universe and all its love and abundance. Every person, I dont care how successful they portray themselves to be, face moments of no direction. Please hear me on this, if you are someone who feels void of a vision, please remember that you are only on pause. The greatest pieces of art in the world were not created by thinking and pushing their creation. Artists feel inspiration and allow vision to come to them. Even great writers have writers block until its time. As you sit in pause today, sit into it fully. Its a full moon day and may bring up a lot of emotion. Do not redefine who you are in this moment. There is no need to reinvent who you are. God created perfection, accept that you are already there, love it and wait for your vision to come back. There is no fear in the dark when you know there will always be light ahead. Always. My heart to yours today.
Posted on: Wed, 14 May 2014 11:37:10 +0000

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