There is so much wrong with this article. First of all, the - TopicsExpress


There is so much wrong with this article. First of all, the Republicans did not shut anything down. The administration chose what to shut down and what to keep open. That is why the National Parks, Memorials, even overlooks (We were not able to use a roadside scenic overlook on Federal lands near Steamboat Springs Colorado, because it was barricaded with a sign saying closed due to the government shutdown) and welfare and food stamps are still getting paid, but even though I am required to report to work every day amd work a full shift, there is no one to process my paycheck or thousands of others in the same boat. Secondly, his definition of reasonable Republicans are the few, like John McCain, who want to give him everything he wants, because they are part of the whole statist movement in DC. Most Republicans want what they majority of Americans want: reductions in spending, staying within a reasonable budget, delaying or scrapping Obamacare, etc. Third, the only way we would possible default is if Obama does not allow the payment due on the debt to be paid. We are still taking in ten times the amount due in taxes every month. He is the one who determines if it get paid. Fourth, he has personally destroyed our sterling credit rating over the last five years. His massive spending on stimulation programs, tax increases, increased regulations, and the implementation of Obamacare, have taken us from a stellar AAA rating down to an A rating. He has made the world nervous about our financial stability. Fifth, the 7.5 million jobs he claims to have created are mostly part time jobs. They have no benefits attached to them. He fails to mention the 8 million jobs lost at the same time, or the reduced number of workers in the workforce, which lowers the percent unemployed. The diablility rolls have doubled, and welfare rolls have swelled as people have had their incomes slashed. He says we should blame the Republicans, but he needs to look in the mirrir for who is really at fault. washington.cbslocal/2013/10/14/obama-not-raising-debt-ceiling-will-create-new-republican-default-tax/
Posted on: Mon, 14 Oct 2013 22:51:38 +0000

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