There is something I need to the children and young people in my - TopicsExpress


There is something I need to the children and young people in my life. If I have not instilled in you a love for God then I have failed you and I’m sorry. You know back in 1993 I had everything…. I had a super job with lots of responsibility working with the executives at United. In addition to that Mig, Bobby and I owned our own very successful corporation with nearly 1000 stores. I had a new house that was paid for. I had new furniture. I had three top of the line cars – all paid for. I had jewels and furs and fancy Armani clothes. I traveled every quarter and stayed in all the best places. I went out to dinner 3 or 4 times a week. I had over a million saved all ready for retirement. I was healthy, my children were healthy, and my husband was healthy. Our house was the center for many parties. I had three complete sets of friends and family – I never lacked for someone to go with or some place to go. THEN MIG DIED…. You know what I discovered then? I HAD NOTHING Please don’t set your goals and achieving worldly good and the admiration of others. That won’t give you peace. That won’t even give you a reason to live…. I KNOW… You need to set your sights on the next world. This one at best is just passing. YOU ARE NOT going to stay young or healthy forever and neither is your family. IN AN INSTATNT you can lose everything. Hey I didn’t lose all the things I listed above… I WALKED AWAY FROM THEM… they mean nothing….. and after 2007 my million shrunk to 300000 and I owed 500000. Put your trust in money and it will fail you every time. I am so very lucky to have moved to Hudson Florida and met David and GOD. I have never had less (except when in my early 20’s) but I get up happy every morning – despite pain despite illness despite whatever because I am enjoying the fruits of the spirit LOVE JOY PEACE FAITH GOODNESS KINDNESS GENTLENESS TEMPERANCE and LONG SUFFERING Call me a religious nut I DON’T CARE I have something that no one can take away from me. Yes I will be and do get sad and unhappy when I see the troubles of others. I cry buckets full of tears for all of you. I want you all to be happy BUT IM telling you this. You have to start letting GOD into your lives. ASK ME I KNOW>
Posted on: Fri, 05 Sep 2014 19:42:14 +0000

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