There is this message the Lord keep reminding me of his Son Lord - TopicsExpress


There is this message the Lord keep reminding me of his Son Lord Jesus, I was sharing the Word with somebody and it kept ringing in my ears until finally I open the Bible to literally read it, Oh the Lord marvel me, he has reminded me that during the Baptism of Son Jesus Christ on earth, his Spirit came in form of a dove and remained in him. I kept on hearing stayed on him, stayed on him, meaning never to depart henceforth but a life long journey of eternity with God forevermore. John 1:32 Amplified Bible (AMP) 32 John gave further evidence, saying, I have seen the Spirit descending as a dove out of heaven, and it dwelt on Him [never to depart]. John 1:32 English Standard Version (ESV) 32 And John bore witness: “I saw the Spirit descend from heaven like a dove, and it remained on him. John 1:32 King James Version (KJV) 32 And John bare record, saying, I saw the Spirit descending from heaven like a dove, and it abode upon him. Why was it important that when it came to the Son of God, the Spirit had to stay and not to leave ? We know in the past the Spirit visited servants of God, gave them the Word of God even prophecy and departed after the mission accomplished but When it came to the Son of the Living God, the Spirit came and remained on him, to start a life long journey with him, to prepare him, to lead him, to direct him to the will of his Father, to connect Him with his Father in heaven, to transform him, to help him, to lead him from one Glory to Another, to the moment he walked on water and the moment he was transfigured on the mountain of transfiguration, and eventually to take him back to the Father in heaven. In real life if you welcome a guest and guest decides to stay in your house, meaning he decides from thereon to start a life long journey of living and walking together in the Same house. The Lord is asking his childen this day, has the Spirit of God come upon your life and remained in you, to live in you, to direct your life, to transform your life, to lead you to the paths of God the Father and to prepare you for the eternal Kingdom of God in heaven? Many have experience of the Holy Spirit in a day, then a couple of days later their life in Christ has dwindled and you wonder what happened to them. But what am talking about this day is the Baptism of the Holy Spirit that comes to lead you till eternity, that the Spirit of the Lord will be a friend and a close helper , a comforter, a present help in times of need, to change your life, to prepare you as a Bride to present you before the Father spotless and clean worthy to inherit eternal life in heaven.
Posted on: Sun, 28 Jul 2013 15:34:30 +0000

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