There is tremendous hypocrisy when it comes to religion and - TopicsExpress


There is tremendous hypocrisy when it comes to religion and political situations. How can so many innocent people be allowed to suffer at the hands of extremist Zionism? How can followers of the Prince Of Peace be silent and allow wars and violence to so many thousands of innocent civilians? It is these hypocrisies that all of humanity must face if we are to evolve and survive. We must come to terms with our failings, if we are to tackle so many other critical issues facing our collective human family. What should be of great concern to every Muslim is that in the region of Mecca, the heart of Islam, there are blatant human rights violations taking place. Radical Islam is at the heart of Wahhabism. How can the leaders of Islam get away with lashing 1000 times an innocent man as they are رائف بدوي Raif Badawi for being liberal? Where are all the dissenting voices of Muslims for these blatant human rights violations? Those voices are very effectively silenced, just as Souad Al Shammarys voice for womens rights, human rights and religious freedom has been silenced as she too was hauled of and imprisoned in Saudi Arabia for being liberal. Why arent Muslim scholars and leaders defending these innocent people? How does anyone deserve 1000 lashes, tremendously huge fines, many years in prison for speaking the truth, and then not be allowed to leave KSA for another extended period of time? How does anyone deserve to be imprisoned for speaking out about oppression of womens rights, where a woman cant even drive, cant travel without permission of a male guardian and has to have the approval of a male guardian, even if that male is a child? This is insanity! What if people dont believe in a religious system that has so much violence in its very formation and history? Choosing ones religious beliefs is a human right! How can anyone deny that Islam (and all religions that are so hypocritical) are not in great need of reform? How is that to happen when you have religious extremists in control of the religion? I once met a terrorist expert who said that the only thing that has a chance of helping end terrorism is when all moderate Muslims speak out against extremism as loudly as the extremists who shout out about cartoons they think offend the Prophet Muhammad pbuh. What Muslims, especially women, who have a voice must do is to speak up! The people in Saudi Arabia (and so many other places) have been very effectively muzzled, since the public lashings IN FRONT OF A MOSQUE are working very nicely in tightening the yoke of oppression at the heart of Islam. Where is the Mercy of Allah? Where is the compassion? Where is the absolute message of peace that is so critical for all people of our planet, regardless of where they live or what their religion is? May Allah help us all! Free Raif Badawi !https://facebook/raifofficialpage/photos/a.562340473823055.1073741826.397451400311964/781852348538532/?type=1&theater Saudi Arabia has been condemned for publicly flogging liberal blogger and activist Raif Badawi, who was accused of insulting Islam. Amnesty International confirmed to The Independent that Badawi, who was sentenced to 1,000 lashes, received the first round of 50 in a public flogging after Friday prayers, which it says continue every Friday for 20 weeks. A witness told the human rights organisation that Badawi was removed from a bus in shackles and taken to a public square in front of the al-Jafali mosque in Jeddah. He was then flogged in front of a crowd and security guards for 15 minutes, before being put back on the bus and driven away. Amnesty says Badawi, who started the Free Saudi Liberals website, was arrested in June 2012 for creating an online forum for public debate and over accusations that he insulted Islam. His website has also been shut down. Article continued:…/raif-badawi-saudi-arabia-urg… Sign petition here:…
Posted on: Sun, 11 Jan 2015 15:39:00 +0000

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