There isn’t much peace on Earth or good will toward men, or - TopicsExpress


There isn’t much peace on Earth or good will toward men, or women, in the news today… Pakistan is in mourning after a band of Taliban militants attacked a school in Peshawar Tuesday. They slaughtered nine teachers and over 130 children, and wounded many more. Survivors told horror stories of incredible cruelty. It was reportedly in retaliation for the Nobel Peace Prize given to Masala Yousafazi, the young girl who was shot and nearly killed by some other big, brave Taliban militants for daring to say girls should be allowed to go to school. This horrifying massacre came one day after the Australian hostage siege, and shortly before word that ISIL had executed at least 150 Iraqi women, including pregnant women, for refusing to marry militants. This is the unfathomable evil we are dealing with. No wonder most Americans aren’t joining in the phony outrage over the decade-old waterboarding of terrorists. And in Pakistan, where there’s a genuine “war on women,” they just brought back the death penalty. Amnesty Scheme A federal judge has weighed in on President Obama’s amnesty scheme… US District Judge Arthur Schwab is hearing a case in Pennsylvania that involves an illegal immigrant who pleaded guilty to reentering the US illegally. The White House says the Obama amnesty wouldn’t apply to him as a criminal, but the judge decided it might, so he studied the amnesty plan and issued an opinion, just in case. Schwab found that it’s not “prosecutorial discretion,” as Obama claims. That’s for special cases, and this applies to millions. It also violates the Constitutional requirement that the President must “take care” to faithfully execute laws passed by Congress. This rewrites the law in violation of the separation of powers, so it’s unconstitutional. This is just a non-binding opinion, but it is the first word from a federal judge, and not a good omen for Obama. Still, Democratic Senators Dick Durbin and Richard Blumenthal insisted the judge was incorrect. Then they both fled the room before reporters asked them to explain why. Uncle Sam Just Dumped This Down Our Chimneys With Thanksgiving past, that white-bearded man just dumped a bag of surprises down our chimneys! No, not Santa: Uncle Sam… The Obama Administration likes to release new federal regulations on major holidays, when the public is distracted. It happened again on Thanksgiving, when over 3400 proposed new regulations were revealed, everything from EPA pollution rules that critics say will kill the coal industry and make power bills skyrocket, to mandating that all food sellers display printed nutritional info on every item. Small restaurants say the fees for testing every dish on an ever-changing menu will bankrupt them. And it’s estimated that it will cost vending machine jobbers about $44,000 a year. So that likely means laying off employees. These days, when virtually everyone has a cell phone, nutritional information is readily available online. But if you just did it yourself, bureaucrats might be out of a job, instead of putting you out of a job…which, apparently, is now THEIR job. Late night comic Jimmy Kimmel had the best line on the new vending machine rules. He said that if you’re eating your lunch out of a vending machine, chances are, nutrition is not your top priority. But it’s no joke to the people who service vending machines. Many are family businesses operating on narrow profit margins. And as I mentioned, that’s just one of over 3400 new regulations released around Thanksgiving. And those are just part of about 6,000 new federal regulations on businesses that have been released in the past 90 days. That’s an average of 67 new regulations every single day. The Heritage Foundation calculates that complying with them all will drain $73 billion a year out of the economy, money that might have been used to create new jobs. And that doesn’t even include the costs of all the red tape and enforcement, so at least it will create lots of jobs for federal bureaucrats. ---------- Thanks for your continued interest in my efforts. I hope you enjoyed these commentaries. I will send along some more very soon. Sincerely, signature
Posted on: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 14:38:05 +0000

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