There once was a woman with a nearly perfect life. She had a nice - TopicsExpress


There once was a woman with a nearly perfect life. She had a nice warm home, a beautiful family blessed with many friends. Life was never uncertain, in fact it was almost too well calculated. Her family travelled within the right knit cliques. Words were never said, only implied...they were fine shining members of their town. This lady had no patience for the uneducated fast food workers that delivered her the wrong meal. Laziness was the reason for their poor station in life. She despised the man in the beat up truck running in to the gas station to buy that pack of cigarettes, most likely with her tax dollars. She glared at the young single mom with two children walking across a rainy parking lot, headed to the welfare line to spend more of her tax dollars, no doubt. Why bring a child into the world that you couldnt support? Oh, because my tax dollars are right there, she mumbled to herself. She sneered at the man in front of the department store asking for change. Grow a backbone you lazy mooch and support yourself!, She wanted to tell him. Why were there so many deadbeats expecting a free ride in this world? She thought. She went to work, paid her bills like a good american, people just need to start doing for themselves..her husband comes home and tells her hes lost his job. No problem, she thinks, just a little bump in the road, nothing an upright hardworking family cant handle. But a day jobless turned into months. Her husband had to accept a job working slightly above minimum wage at a department store. Then their son started getting sick, meaning she had to take time off work. Then she finds out her position has been eliminated. She spends weeks searching for jobs. School starts and she maxes out credit cards to keep up appearance for her children. After months of looking for adequate work, she applies for a job at a fast food resteraunt and is trained by one of the teenagers she once belittled for giving her the wrong soda. She learned that he was helping his mother buy groceries every week. And the way he treated her was more than she could bare. He was kind an patient. After she was so mean. She went to get gas at the gas station, her body aching and tired. She went in to pay for her gas and her credit card was declined. She stood mortified, not knowing what to do. The man in the beat up truck that she once scowled at put $20.00 on the counter for her gas, then put $20.00 in her hand. He looked at her with sincere blue eyes and said we all stumble from time to time her eyes watered and her lips trembled and she ran out the door as she wailed thank you. She did not deserve his kindness, she only gave judgment. Some time later, she realized they needed help. They couldnt feed their children. She drove to the welfare office. She took a deep breath a started that walk of shame. As she was walking, she heard the shrieking tires of a vehicle. She looked up at a big black SUV. A lady much like herself was scowling at her. Watch where you are going! The woman shrieked. MY tax dollars are already feeding you, dont think youre going to cash in on a personal injury settlement!! She felt the sting of tears burning down her face. Are people really that cruel?? She was met on the sidewalk by a familiar face, the young mother she had nearly came across and judged herself. She met her with a look of compassion. She asked if she was ok and offered her assistance navigating the maze of government offices. Along the way, she learned the young mother was abandoned by her husband in this town miles away from her family, with no vehicle, no money or resources. She was working 2 jobs and put every Penny to their bills. It still wasnt enough. She friended this mother and they began to help each other. Christmas came along, desperation and sadness filled the woman and husband. How could they be in a situation where they could not give their children a proper Christmas? One night another familiar face appeared at the familys doorstep. The scruffy man begging for change...turns out he was a preacher taking donations for families in need. He came to their door with presents for the whole family. The woman looked at him in tears and said I dont deserve this, I really am not worthy the Preacher looked at her and told her it was not his place to judge her worth, he only came to be a humble giver so she could feel Gods Love.
Posted on: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 12:52:28 +0000

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