There seems to be 3 important atributes that one needs to have in - TopicsExpress


There seems to be 3 important atributes that one needs to have in order to be used by Yhwh to change lives, for time and eternity, ie. for us to be effective in ministry. 1. Knowledge of the word and the ability to expound it with clarity 2.A life that manifests in the flesh what we say with our lips...we must walk our talk 3. The right motif ....wanting the lives of others to be changed, more than we want to be seen. 1 Thes. 3 Now may Our Almighty and Father Himself and our Meshyach, yahusha make straight our path to you and Yhwh cause you to increase and abound in love to one another and to all just as we also to you. So that He may establish your hearts blameless in holiness before our Almighty and Father at the coming to our Messiah with all His saints. It is very easy to know the word/truth and minister from a place of head knowledge without being obedient to the word ourselves. This usually means that we will be more concerned bout how people respond to what we say rather than whether they actually do it, since we ourselves are hearers but not doers....James calls that self ye doers of the word and not hearers only deceiving yourselves. This kind of ministry is very popular and can attract many followers but is their really fruit being produced in the lives of the followers? Are they growing up or are they just being entertained while they continue to live lives that are anti torah. Everything therefore begins with those who minister...How can they hear unless there is a preacher and how can they preach unless they have been sent. Most companies who hire sales representatives require that you use and believe in the product you are selling so that you will be an authentic witness. Not someone trying to convince someone of something that you are not convinced of yourself so that you can get there money. Sadly a lot of ministries fall into this category....started by people who themselves are not doers of the word, trying to collect offering from those who come to hear them...quoting the tanakh to justify tithing while ignoring the keeping of Shabbat and many other instructions which is also in the tanakh. May Yhwh forgive us for misrepresenting Him and may we seek to be properly prepared for service so that the fields can be properly reaped....."Ye are white washed sepulchres who send people twice to hell" says yahusha The fields are ripe unto harvest but the labourers are few...father please send labourers to reap the harvest
Posted on: Thu, 12 Sep 2013 17:33:20 +0000

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