There seems to be a developing battle between those of us who are - TopicsExpress


There seems to be a developing battle between those of us who are genuinely interested in finding solutions to the mysteries of life, the universe, and everything (as Douglas Adams described it) and those who feel it is there duty to attack us as being woo-woo pseudo-scientists out to make a quick buck. I know I should ignore the criticisms of my work on sites such as “Rational Wiki” but it is my nature to confront rather than avoid such things. It is a very odd war in that the attacks are all coming from one side. As a “skeptic” myself who has long believed in a rigidly logical and rational approach to all evidence and information presented to us by the universe in general and by our fellow human beings in their experiential reporting, I find these character assassinations to be unfair and gratuitous. In my own writing I make NO claims about myself. I do not claim to have any abilities over and above those of any other ordinary human being; I do not claim to be a chosen channel of communication from “ascended masters” or “trans-dimensional entities” (whatever the hell they may be). I do not claim greater knowledge than any of my readers and in my writing all I do is present the facts and suggest that my readers draw their own conclusions. I am not writing to prove any pre-ordained belief system, be it political, religious or philosophical. I do not condemn others whose interpretation of data or information is different to mine. Indeed I go out of my way to engage with them and try to appreciate their position. Furthermore if somebody presents evidence that something I have written about, or my interpretation of that information, is in error, I take this on board and adapt my position to accommodate this new information. This is because I am not trying to “prove” anything .... I am simply seeking answers to the big questions of life and consciousness. Tomorrow I am 60 years old. I know that I have far less time available to me than I have already wasted in my past. I am very aware that, in this run of my hypothetical “Bohmian IMAX”, I am running out of time. My health, both mental and physical, is great at the moment but that can change in an instant. There is so much for me to still understand, so many books to read, and so many people to meet and learn from .... and I will not give up on this search until my dying breath. I therefore find this polarisation of ideas and world-views very sad. We should all be working together and sharing our knowledge and understanding of this incredible universe for the betterment of all life ..... not sarcastically and negatively lashing out at others who do not share our world-view .... It is my intention, over the next few days, to make a series of postings regarding the logica and rationality applied by the “Skeptics” and their rather nasty cousins, the “guerrilla sceptics” and I will be asking certain questions regarding their intellectual integrity that really should be answered ....
Posted on: Fri, 11 Apr 2014 08:21:38 +0000

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