There seems to be a school of thought that thinks that the - TopicsExpress


There seems to be a school of thought that thinks that the Secretary of State will produce a rabbit from a hat and somehow give weight to the graduated response from Unionism. This may well be in the form of a forum to look at the Ardoyne issue. It could be a quasi legal report that takes six months or so. It might be an agreement to look more closely at Parades Commission determinations. Or Ms Villiers could well stay true to form and issue a muddling statement that signifies absolutely nothing. Only time (and mystic Meg) knows. One thing is certain however. Momentum is being lost. The unity of purpose that we so fervently hoped to see is slipping away. Communication has fallen short as the Summer holidays take precedence over the urgent issues that face us. I personally witnessed the Republican Internment Rally today (from a safe distance!). I was appalled at the behaviour of these people whose bitterness and sectarian agenda was displayed as a badge of honour. Whether supporting Gaza or the IRA, Celtic or anything anti British, these thugs and reprobates are encouraged by fellow Republicans to create a blood lust of anti Protestant feeling. It is pure sectarianism distilled into irrational hatred. Young and old alike are stuck in this sectarian time warp. Sinn Fein and fellow apologists would fictionalise this into calling it a small minority and not representative of the new Ireland moving forward. From what I saw things are getting far, far worse. We seem to be treading water and failing to clearly understand the nature of the problem and building a cohesive response to it. We are essentially looking lost and in need of something (anything) to cling on to as we witness the steamroller that is Sinn Fein subverting democracy. Subverting?How so? Manipulation of a cowardly media (whatever happened to good old fashioned investigative journalism?), key elements within the judiciary running rampant with no obvious sign of being reined in, threats of violence both here and on the mainland (Bobby Storey loves this role) and the unwillingness of Unionist politicians to directly challenge things. Stormont has long been known as dysfunctional but it is becoming more and more like a simpering poodle to the demands of Sinn Fein. The sooner we have a proper opposition the better. Stormont is clearly broken, physically and spiritually. So, back to the graduated response. Seemed good at the time, less so now. A response is not a response if it does not respond to that which needs responding to. And awaiting on the Secretary of State for a token gesture is not really a response now is it? On a lighter note the Belfast Traders Association has finally gotten round to the fact that aggressive Republicans parading round a city centre causes shoppers to stay away. Well fancy that!! You reap what you sow and the mealy mouthed anti Protestant Traders Association are finally realising this. Hordes of people (that means potential shoppers) are staying away from the city nowadays and the main spokesman for the Traders Association should dwell on his previously stated discriminatory comments. PC/10/8/14
Posted on: Sun, 10 Aug 2014 17:35:43 +0000

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