There seems to be some major ignorance going on in this country, - TopicsExpress


There seems to be some major ignorance going on in this country, and also FB, about Socialism: what it is, what it does, socialist programs, etc. Now, Im not sure if its because people are just ignoring facts, not doing research, or just being dishonest/disingenuous. I dont know why people listen to Fox NEWS, or anyone else who yells Socialism is the devil! without having an actual clue or doing any research into the subject. Lets start off with defining socialism as it pertains to economics: in laymans terms, its the use of taxpayer funds being used collectively to benefit society as a whole, despite income, contribution, or ability. Now, with this in mind, I offer you 75 (yes, 75!) ways Socialism has shaped, improved, and saved America; remember the definition of Socialism above when reading these examples: The military/defense, highways/roads, public libraries, police, fire dept., postal service, STUDENT LOANS AND GRANTS, bridges, garbage collection, public landfills, WAR funding, farm subsidies, FBI, CIA, Congressional Healthcare, the Polio vaccine, the EPA, Social Security, Museums, Public Schools, Public Jail/Prisons, Corporate/Business Subsidies, VA Healthcare, Public Parks, All Elected Officials (be they good or bad), sewer systems, Medicare, the court system, Bird Flu Vaccine, the GI Bill, Hoover Dam, State/City Zoos, IRS, Free Lunch Program, the Pentagon, Medicaid, FDA, HEALTH CARE FOR 9/11 WORKERS, Swine Flu Vaccine, Disability Benefits (SSDI), Town/State run beaches, Corporate Bailouts/Welfare using taxpayer funds, Unemployment Insurance (usually paid by employer, but socialist nonetheless), State construction/DOT, City/Metro buses, WIC program, State Snow Removal, PBS (Yes, Sesame St. is Socialist!), the CDC, Welfare, Public Street lighting, FEMA, Public defenders, S-CHIP (State Childrens Health Insurance Program), Amtrak, NPR, Dept. of Homeland Security, OSHA, State/National Monuments, USDA, Government Scholarships, Dept of Health and Human Services, Census Bureau, Dept of Energy, Customs/Border Protection, Dept. of Education, the Secret Service, Peace Corps, Dept. of Justice, National Weather Service, The White House, Government, Law, and last, but not least, Civilization. Civilization, you may ask, has what to do with Socialism? Let me explain: As an American citizen, you enjoy freedoms that many in other countries do not. Like anything else in this world, our government is not perfect, but you should be thankful everyday that your country has a government that feels an obligation to serve the people and protect their rights and freedoms. This is completely possible because of government, taxes, and socialism. Do you think the private sector would do a better job of governing our country? Do you think corporations would enact laws to help protect and serve you and your family or them and their profits? The reason you can read this and the reason I can write it, whether you agree with it or not, is because of the freedoms we have here in America enforced and protected through socialist means. Our entire civilization depends on us being a people united. Socialism is a glue that binds us together and makes possible the things that we could not accomplish as individuals working against each other. I dont care who you are. Rich or poor. Teaparty Republican or Liberal Socialist. You benefit from at least one or more of these 75 American Government-Run, Taxpayer funded Socialist programs, agencies, and laws. My overall argument is not for a completely socialist nation. This would not work. A completely capitalist nation would not work either. Im just simply saying that I feel that the two can co-exist. I know this because they always have. Socialism and capitalism have always co-existed in America. I also believe in freedom. I believe options are a form of freedom. Right now in the United States of America, I can send mail through the public postal service or I can choose a private option like FedEx. I can send my future kids to public school or private school. Socialism is not a bad thing. It is a foundation in this country of ours. Claiming socialism is bad because of radical and non-factual comparisons to Hitler and Stalin is like saying all guns are bad because of the Columbine killers and Jared Loughner. National socialism and communism are very, very different from Democratic Socialism here in America. Id explain further but this topic is for another post, this one is long enough. Besides, socialism defeated Hitler. So lets just stop the madness/disinformation, and/or lies and have an honest, serious discussion about socialism and the role it plays in America.
Posted on: Mon, 10 Mar 2014 01:02:02 +0000

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