There should be several murders on the dance floor after tonights - TopicsExpress


There should be several murders on the dance floor after tonights result: Warning this review may bore readers to tears and contain spoilers. I just want to clarify that Im aware that The X Factor is just a show, Im not so caught up in it that I think its a life and death situation like so many talentless auditionees but the reason I watch the show is to see rising stars and the odd controversial talking points. Tonight combined the two but in a way I didnt want. Ill start off with the group performance because to be fair it was the most decent one theyve done this year. Usually the group song reflects the theme but the genre of A Night to Remember is Post-Disco, credit for affiliating the theme I guess. The first guest performance was 2011 winners (and history makers) Little Mix with their latest single Move I couldnt really hear it due to interference however I did listen to the song on the way home tonight and have to say I still think DNA is their best but credit to them at least theyre still together. The second guest was a duet of Taylor Swift (more recently famous for her love-life than her music) and Snow Patrols Gary Lightbody (suddenly Luke Friend doesnt sound so stupid), Taylor is one of those artists who will be a 50/50 risk as to whether or not shell sing well live or not. She was pitchy and I dont really care about the other guy. Now onto the result. For some reason there was no flash vote this week, if anyone misses it their idiots and if anyone thinks it wasnt there for the use of deadlock then for once this week I would agree with you. But no flash vote meant we were back to the old method of relieving all but 2 of the thought of elimination. Usually I would just bypass everyone until the final 3 but Im starting with the first act saved because for the life of me I cannot comprehend why this name was called out. If you havent guessed already Im referring to the amoeba that is Sam Callahan, putting aside my personal thoughts on this guy he was genuinely the weakest vocally last night and his reaction once again was inappropriate. Abi was also saved and hers was the performance I couldve slipped into a coma from, but it wasnt the fact she was saved so much as when its between her, Kingsland Road and Tamera I expect Tamera to be saved as she has the X Factor package everyone is always harping on about. But no the bottom two is Kingsland Road (who were polled bottom by Digital Spy viewers anyway) and Tamera, if there was a flash vote in operation I may be a little less annoyed. Kingsland Road were up first and had to choose another song after their Week 2 survival song so they chose I Wont Let You Go by James Morrison. the emotions got the better of the blonde guy and he cracked up. Tamera then performed her arena audition song I Have Nothing by Whitney Houston, putting aside the fact it was brilliant I liked seeing the growth between when she kept forgetting the words and to now when shes fighting for her place, even though she shouldnt have to. As I said earlier with no flash vote this week (still no idea why) if the vote was split then deadlock would return. While Dermot announced this the camera showed the panel where Louis and Sharon were conferring, this worried me as they were the two who actually had to decide. Nicole voted for Kingsland Road to go home and Gary voted for Tamera obviously and then without an explanation Sharon voted for Kingsland Road. Therefore the reason deadlock was removed in the first place i.e. Louis was left to decide, he made the right decision by sending Kingsland Road home. I dont know why Tamera and Hannah are (in the latters case supposedly) favourites yet have both been in the bottom two. Tameras performance last night wasnt my favourite but leagues better than Sam Callahan, Abi or basically any act bar Sam Bailey. Hannah last week apparently was the performance of the night (not really) yet she ended up in the bottom two. While the theory of being in the bottom two means you wont win has been proven false by James Arthur winning last year (even though I didnt agree with it) its still bewildering as to why Tamera was there tonight. Disco Week was a dud in entertainment, the bottom two was a shock (on Tameras part) but really I can see why they havent used the theme in 5 years.
Posted on: Sun, 03 Nov 2013 21:51:50 +0000

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