There should only be a few times in your season when you Stop AND - TopicsExpress


There should only be a few times in your season when you Stop AND Question God. Yes I said question God many people really believe we are not suppose to question the Sovereign God ...He knows our thoughts anyway ...He is Just that SOVEREIGN ...He is the same yesterday today and forever He reigns in Heaven and Earth your question wont dictate nothing He has planed...But only give you Provision and Wisdom and Spirit of Obedience. I will say this to say IF YOU HAVE NEVER QUESTION GOD...Chances your are just as Lost as you were before He Grace saved you. My 1st question was hen He stepped in to my Life I was 14 I had done an awful thing and He washed me white as snow He took all my quilt away and I say why .... He said Because I LOVE YOU YOUR SIN IS FORGIVEN..... I repented from that sin and never did it again!! Plus He restored My Joy with 4 of the most Precious Gifts God he ever made at least I l Love to think so!!! Thank You Father Your Praise controls your Storm you understanding changes the season you in GOD GIVES US TRIALS TO STRENGTHEN HIS CHARACTER AND STRIP OUR FLESH... Long suffering is the Fruit of the Spirit of God you need to have an open level of communication with God and a understanding to know what He wants to do through you and enough TRUST to know that He will complete what He Began. Were was I ... O Yes There are only few times in your season when God waits for you to say Um Daddy How do I do this:) Amen? # 1 When He saves YOU and starts to do a New thing in you. You should have tons of Questions #2 When you have been through the Fire ( Purify) Been through the storm (Time of set backs and lost) and you just felt like giving up..UNTIL YOU REALIZE YOU CANT (Because you have nothing left or lost everything and God is all you have) But your are ready for the Break Though!! Which you are only concerned with of material Blessings!! BECAUSE Your mind is still carnal. *WERE ARE YOUR QUESTIONS* This is were we Stray off from GOD from one or the two maybe even three Lack of communication ,Lack of understanding ,The world AND its Processions Present By Satan as He Presented them to Jesus ...In Luke 4 Yes the Devil can Bless You an Have you fooled you start off say Thank you Jesus then later your Praise becomes and inward praise **TRUTH IF YOU MAKE IT THIS FAR OR SHOULD I SAY WHEN YOU START BACK OVER AND GET TO THIS POINT # 3 You truly REALIZE God is REALLY REALLY ALL YOU HAVE because you have failed Again you should have questions ..If you dont shame on You :( #4 When you surrender you will (YOUR WANTS) to Gods will ( WHAT GOD WANTS) Please ask questions ..... If you think about it your really have no choice..The question He wants you to ask is...... What do you want from me Lord..What is your will for my Life.........TRUST ME THE POP QUESTION GOD HAS BEEN WAITING ON FROM THE TIME HE PREDESTINED YOU FOR HIS PURPOSE IN YOU SO THAT HIS GLORY MAY BE REVEALED IN YOU. After God gets you in a place where He knows you Trust His Spirit in You he takes it away briefly to show you that WITHOUT Him you Fail. Only to show you that with Him you are able to Do ALL HINGS Only through Christ who give Strength.... At this Point you are at the end of your TRUE Breakthrough with a renewed mind and the Spirit of truth which craves God RIGHTEOUSNESS as it you guides in Your Purpose in Life. Matthew 6:25-26 Says For whoever wishes to save his life will lose it; but whoever loses his life for My sake will find it. For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world but looses His soul.
Posted on: Wed, 30 Oct 2013 17:50:55 +0000

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