There was a Youtube debate I came across with a lady that stated - TopicsExpress


There was a Youtube debate I came across with a lady that stated that "there is good without God." I was not angry with her statement but I was taken back by her ignorance. The death and criminal acts committed in a world without God, "Atheists," in the 20th century alone surpasses a world with "God" in it since the beginning of time. She, of course, gave me the argument of the deaths ordered by the "God" of the Bible alone surpass this. Well, here are the facts and I will let her decide as well as let you decide which world you would rather live in, here they are: In the 20th century alone. 1917 1,000,000 Russian Orthodox killed by the Bolsheviks. 60,000 Russian Orthodox killed by the Bolsheviks in 1918 in Georgia,USSR. 1921-1950 15,000,000 Christians die in prison camps in the USSR. From 1925-1950: 1,200,000 die as the USSR tries to liquidate Roman Catholicism. 1927 500,000 Iranian Orthodox Christians are slaughtered by the USSR (Many are crucified). 1927 600,000 All German Origin Lutherans are liquidated by the atheist Stalin. (1928 95% of all Orthodox perish in The Ukraine). 1929-1937 14,500,000 Orthodox peasants killed or starved to death on the orders of Stalin. 1927-1933 200,000 Autocephalous Church exterminated in Belarus USSR. 1935 1,000,000 die in vicious persecution of underground church in the USSR. 1937-1945 120,000 are killed in an attempt to destroy the Orthodox Church in the USSR. 1938 30,000 die in persecution of Armenian Orthodox and Catholics by Soviet Secret Police. 1940 150,000 Shot or die in Prison in the Baltics, including 10,000 clergy. 1944 5,000 die as Organized Christianity is Liquidated in Albania by Atheists. 1945 3,500,000 Ukranian Catholic Uniates are killed by Atheistic Soviets. 1948 500,000 Die as Russia tries to destroy the “true Orthodox Church” that is underground. 1948 70 Baptist leaders are martyred some burned alive by Chinese Atheists. 1948 2,500 Killed or die in prison as 40 year Hungarian persecution begins. 1949 1,200,000 Tibetans massacred…including Christians by Atheistic Chinese Communists. 1950 500,000 Killed in liquidation of churches by Chinese Atheists. 1950 20,000 North Korean Christians killed by Atheistic government. 1950 to 1980 900,000 “Church of Silence” members liquidated in Eastern Europe by Atheists. 1950 to 1980 5,000,000 Christians die in prison camps in the USSR. 1952 74,000 Christians die in vicious persecution of independent churches in Communist China. 1959 to 1962 25,000,000 die in Atheistic “great leap forward” in China. 1959 15,000 Christians killed by communist atheist Castro in Cuba. 1962 10,000 Leaders of unregistered Baptist congregations were systematically eliminated in Albania by Atheists. 1966 2,500,000 Christians killed or in prison camps during the “proletarian Cultural Revolution” in Atheistic China. 1969 7,000 Roman Catholic Leaders killed by Atheistic State Czechoslovakia. 1970 60,000 Unregistered protestants die in mass killings by the KGB in the USSR. 1972 500 clergy targeted when atheistic Marxist military seizes power in Berlin. 1974 20,000 Tribal protestants killed or imprisoned by communists in Laos. 1975-1985 65,000 Christians butchered by atheists in Vietnam. 1975 to 1979 2,000,000 slaughtered by Atheistic Khmer Rouge in Cambodia… including ALL Christians. 1977 to 1980 90,000 die in “Red Terror” in Ethiopia. 1979 to1983 70,000 die in Sandinista Revolution in Nicaragua. 1980 400 Christian soldiers refuse to Kill Afghanis and are executed. 1980 to1993 30,000 Christian peasants killed by “Maoist Shining Path” Guerillas in Peru. 1984 5,000 Christians die in Continuous communist harassment in Poland. 1989 3,000 die in army massacre in Tiananmen Square Beijing… including 600 Christian Students. In 1989 20,000 Christians massacred by secret police under Ceausescu in Romania. At Present, the number of Christians in Chinese prison camps is unknown. The leading cause of death of a Christian, at a staggering 100,000,000 dead, in the last 100 years has been at the hands of Atheists!
Posted on: Thu, 13 Jun 2013 01:39:56 +0000

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