There was a bomb scare at the NNPC Towers in the Central Business - TopicsExpress


There was a bomb scare at the NNPC Towers in the Central Business District, Abuja, yesterday as access to the tower was restricted to only workers of the corporation and few visitors who were thoroughly screened. Pandemonium broke out at the Secretariat and NNPC Towers in Abuja following a rumour, which was circulated by text messages across Nigeria and beyond, that bombs were scheduled to be detonated in the two public buildings. The chaos started when staff of NNPC resumed work yesterday morning only to witness the heavy presence of security operatives with bomb-detectors at the gates with which they screened workers and visitors. The situation was later compounded as the Fire Emergency Alarm of the NNPC Towers went off and workers started trooping out of the offices shouting “there is a bomb, there is a bomb”. A stampede followed, with the frightened workers abandoning the elevators in droves. A member of staff of the NNPC, who requested anonymity, said, “There was an unusual security check at the gates this morning so we are confused about what is happening. The fire alarm went off and everybody was jumping over each other. It was a rumour, but we were all outside and we saw policemen everywhere. “People should stop this kind of rumour; it is not good particularly for this type of high-rise building.” Stern looking fully armed security operatives from the Nigerian Army and the Nigerian Police Force surrounded the tower. Although officials of the corporation denied any bomb threat, it was gathered that the heavily armed men were drafted to site following claims of possible attack on the NNPC towers by terrorists. Asked to comment on why there was huge security presence at the towers, a visibly angry officer on duty at the corporation declared, “Are you new in this country or are you not aware of happenings in the North? Come on keep moving!” The security officials ensured that there was free flow of traffic on roads leading to the corporation. It was also learnt that the security operatives, who arrived the venue around 6am yesterday morning, restricted movement into the towers. Those allowed entry were mainly employees, while visitors were thoroughly screened. It was also learnt that even marketers who could not show their identities were denied entry. At the public car park opposite the corporation, it was observed that no vehicle was allowed to park. The armed men ensured that nobody was allowed to wait around the area. Any attempt to stop, the closest security official around would scream, “keep moving please!”
Posted on: Wed, 12 Mar 2014 15:21:25 +0000

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