There was a hypothesis I always kind of mulled over. What would - TopicsExpress


There was a hypothesis I always kind of mulled over. What would have happened if Joseph was given a home of his own in the country. I thought it would make a good story. Anybody want to join in? And this is the parlor, and just down the corridor is your bedroom. Its on the ground floor, so you wont have to climb the stairs. For Joseph Merrick, words failed him. One of his most fervent wishes had come true. Just off the beaten path and surrounded by a gentle grove of trees, was a pleasant little cottage. Though delightfully rustic, it looked every inch a comfortable home. And it was his! All his! With moistening eyes, Joseph followed Dr. Evans around the house, acquainting himself with the layout. Dr. Philip Evans had been assigned by Frederick Treves to keep tabs on his favorite patient. Three times a month, Evans would call at the Merrick cottage to make sure Josephs health was stable. Normally, an examination was enough to make the young mans skin crawl, but unlike at The London Hospital, it wouldnt be an every day thing; another prospect that filled him with even more joy. Ill be back tomorrow with your nurse. Nurse? Joseph stammered. Yes, a nurse, said Evans. Just someone to help take care of the place. Tidy things up, cook the meals, that sort of thing. Oh... Joseph managed. He supposed it was something that was needed. After all, hed never used a stove in his life. It would certainly not be feasible to live on bread and apples forever. Are you alright with that, Mr. Merrick? asked Dr. Evans. Joseph nodded. Yes, I am. Thank you.
Posted on: Sat, 08 Feb 2014 23:31:42 +0000

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