There was a lot going on this weekend. I logged about 700 miles - TopicsExpress


There was a lot going on this weekend. I logged about 700 miles round trip from east Texas to the hill country to central Texas to north Texas and back again to east Texas. I dont know how we ever traveled back in the day without GPS. No wonder our vacations were crappy. Our parents couldnt even find our destination. I was sharing with a friend last night about how we get off course with our relationship with God. Again I preached myself right under conviction. Before the invention out the timepiece (the watch) mariners had to rely on the position of the stars to navigate. I was explaining to my friend that if were off course one percent of one degree with our relationship with God Id doesnt seen like a big deal at first. But pretty soon we look up and we cant even see our fellowship with The Lord and thats where the enemy can really operate. Just a little sin here and a compromise there and all of a sudden Im all of course and am in big trouble. Its a scary place to be. So what next? Just accept my condition and circumstance? Try to fight through on my own strength? No and no. 2 Cor. 7:10 says Godly sorrow brings repentance that leads to salvation and leaves no regrets, but worldly sorrow brings death. Repentance!!! Luke 3:8 says produce fruit in keeping with repentance. I have to recognize why Im off course, have a Godly sorrow enough to want to do something about it and then produce fruit in keeping with that repentance. I know Im probably the only one of my Fb friends going through a tough time right now. (Thats me being facetious) but God wants us in right standing with Himself. I for one have some repentance to perform. I for one have some fellowship and communication to have restored. My compass has been off by a few degrees. My GPS has been glitching. Only God can fix those things and get us back on course. Am I willing to let Him? A special prayer goes out to my cousin Randy Brooks this morning. You too Misty Brooks. I love you guys. A scripture comes to mind. James 5:13 says anyone who is having troubles should pray. Were praying and you guys, hang tough. Anything I can do I will. God is in control.
Posted on: Mon, 25 Aug 2014 12:25:09 +0000

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