There was a miracle that happened. Last weekend my folks traveled - TopicsExpress


There was a miracle that happened. Last weekend my folks traveled to hatboro Pennsylvania where my dad grew up- for his high school reunion. God knows how many years- hes 73. So more than 50. Any way.. My parents were staying at the hotel where the event was.. and this is what my mother told me... As I watched Tom among these fat, bald, old people, standing out trim, unique, with a glowing smile, and thick white hair.. mingling with his old time friends. .. I was struck with this deep feeling in my heart.. that I love him so much. I just couldnt stop staring at him in amazement. I always have loved him.. I have.. But this burst in my chest was unexplainable. All these years I have resented him for putting his work first.. & ive made his life hell about it.. because.. I took it to heart. And at that moment.. poof. That prespective emerged and evaporated. And all I could feel was love. I went up to the room to retire early as he was still enjoying the later night festivities. And in the room. I missed him. I tried to go to bed. But then thought. Ah. Ya live once. So I put back in my clothes, hair still down, & ventured down the elevator. And when the door opened. . And I walked out.. he was heading my way. He kindly looked at me, with enamored eyes.. and then a snap, oh my God Helene, its you.. all I was just thinking was, wow, what a beautiful woman.. and... its YOU . IT happened to him too.!! We both had this renewal of love. Our hearts turned on.. ...and this week has been one of the best weeks of our marriage.. old.. and acting young.. were giggling about all of it.. I am so in awe. All ive ever wanted was for them to be loving to eachother. They are by far the coolest humans I know.. and im lucky to call them my parents. Yet they have had rocky years.. YEARS!... and it just is a what it is... And in hearing this story. . I felt a peace.. a deep warmth in my chest. Take me over. In fact.. I never knew how much this means to me. Almost like I feel. All is well in the world. To admit. At this moment.. all ive ever wanted is for them to be happy together. Lovingly. To want who you love. To be in love. To wanting the best for them. Always. And I feel it is the best news ive heard my whole life... for family is everything to me... always has been extremely important. And have been willing ro endure the dysfunction And I just want to thank the miraclemaker of the universe.. for this magical assistance which awoken their patterned/blocked hearts.. And I pray for them.. this remains so awakened. Its beautiful. And never to late to forgive. To love. And to move on in open hearted caring ways. Blessings to them. And THANK you God. . What a cool event.
Posted on: Fri, 19 Sep 2014 02:32:27 +0000

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