There was a phrase, somewhere saying: “Saving One Animal Will - TopicsExpress


There was a phrase, somewhere saying: “Saving One Animal Will Not Save The World… But Surely, For That One Animal The World Will Change Forever. But what if a whole world would get together for one dog? Or for two or even for more? What would a whole world united for this very reason mean? It would mean more dogs saved, more adopted, more dogs rehabilitated.. it would mean even more human souls saved. Our friends from Germany, represented by Aileen Schuler, have initiated a project for us and have started and event called: “Der Winter Kommt” or “Winter is coming”. They would like to help us so that we can help our puppies further on. They wish to help you, help us, no matter in what corner of the world you may be in - for your sake and for the dogs sake, as good deeds always returns. Therefore if you are in Germany and would like to send something for the puppies ( a small gift from your side), or maybe even donate money, you can send them via Aileen Schuler. Anything given is welcomed: bowls, blankets, leashes, anything you may thing it is useful. If you are not in Germany, but in another country and would like to attend such an event, you can send money, no matter how small the amount directly into their bank account, because amongts all we need to get the money to transport the goods to us, and this means around 1000 euros. Anyone can buy useful items for the dogs, all the products on the wishlist being listed here:: Blankets, transport cages, bowl, beds are more then welcomed and they will be send with the help of Aileen as well. A better world starts with you. If you care and you want to change something, get involved! Any small gesture can make the difference. _____________________________________________________________________ Nu schimbi lumea salvand un animal, dar mai mult ca sigur pentru acel animal lumea se va schimba pentru totdeauna, scria undeva... Si totusi, daca o lume intreaga s-ar uni pentru un caine? Pentru doi sau mai multi? Ce ar insemna o lume unita pentru aceasta cauza ? Ar insemna mai multi catelusi salvati, mai multi adoptati, mai multi scapati de rele. Ar insemna poate, mai multe suflete de oameni salvate... Prietenii nostri din Germania, reprezentati de Aileen Schuler, au initiat pentru noi un proiect si au si deschis un eveniment cu numele “Der Winter Kommt” sau “Vine iarna”. Ei doresc sa ne ajute, sa putem ajuta mai departe catelusi. Vor sa te ajute pe tine sa ajuti, in orice colt de lume te-ai afla, pentru faptele bunesunt de fiecare data rasplatite cu bine. Asadar, daca te afli in Germania, si vrei sa trimiti ceva catelusilor (un mic dar din partea ta), sau chiar si banuti, poti trimite cu ajutorul lui Aileen. Sunt binevenite orice obiecte: castronele, paturi, lese, orice consideri ca ar prinde bine. Daca Te afli in alt colt de lume, si vrei sa faci parte din acest frumos proiect, poti trimite orice suma cat de mica de bani in contul lor, pentru ca printre altele, trebuie sa strangem banii pentru transportul bunurilor, adica in jur de 1000 euro. Oricine poate cumpara in folosul cateilor, produsele listate aici in cadrul unui wishlist: Paturi, custi de transport si cosuri, sunt mai mult decat utile si binevenite, si vor fi livrate tot cu ajutorul lui Aileen. O lume mai buna incepe cu tine. Daca iti pasa si vrei sa schimbi ceva, implica-te! Orice gest mic poate sa faca diferenta. We can ensure you that all items and money will be used as promised and transparency will be our strong word. If you require further information please send us a message and we will assist asap.
Posted on: Fri, 10 Oct 2014 22:58:25 +0000

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