There was a tale told long ago of a man so evil he became a - TopicsExpress


There was a tale told long ago of a man so evil he became a shadow, his thoughts were filled with murder and dread and he could never sleep or be happy instead. His purpose was set in darkness and doom, his destiny planned and carved on his tomb. The shadow man waited behind, anyone who cast their eyes onto him were dragged down into his land of sin, he craved some skin to become human again… so he teared the flesh away from his victims corpse to cast on himself hoping it would stay, in the hope it helps. His purpose was to kill. That much was true, but the shadow man was lonely and didnt know what to do. His instincts took over at the worst of times, he tried to make friends but ripped out their eyes. It was impulse nothing more, he had no intent to kill. He wanted to live a normal life as a doctor with a wife, with his mind set straight and cleansed of blood, he broke through a shadow… and ended up slaughtering everyone who set eyes on him. His plan had failed in an instant, crumpled up corpses laid around like smashed up cans on the ground. No more remorse and no more thoughts, he had given into the lust…the lust for blood. Swimming across the floor at the brink of night his limbs dripped black, his teeth spread wide across his face forming a smile. Sadistic intent, malicious ideals that he was never taught, they were vile. He was born a monster, born to kill, denying this fact was nothing but trivial. A month had past since that fateful day when the shadow realised himself, slaughtered and then faded away. In that pile of corpses he made, were my mum and dad, their names were Jade and Chris. They were walking through the park on their way to get me from my friends house were i was staying. When they didnt arrive i decided to leave, to look for them… and thats when i seen, i seen shadow man do his work. I hid behind a tree and perched around, half his body was still in the ground. His long arms grasped at the barely alive, they screamed and cried, but he just smirked and laughed with a screech, then teared off their skin. I watched in terror unable to move, as the disfigured form lifted up my parents, but this time was different…he didnt laugh, he held them high and paused for a second. Tears rolled down my cheek, so scared i couldnt speak. My tear fell off my face and landed on the ground beneath me, in that instant the entity was gone, along with my parents. My vision was blurred with nothing but black, i had no idea what happened so i slowly stepped back. Once i was away i now know why my vision was dark, he was in front of me…looking at me eye to eye. My legs were weak and i fell to the floor, he still had my parent suspended like before. He held them in front of me like a gift, i held out my hands hoping to receive. My parents were crying and saying goodbye, they told me to run and i still didnt know why. I couldnt comprehend what was happening at the time, i stayed there and waited in the hopes to get my family back. At the same time my parents spoke we love Y… before they finished he flung them high, ripped open his mouth and, and….he devoured my mum and dad, in front of me. He made me watch him chew their corpses, the sight and sound as he broke and chewed their flesh and bone. It made me vomit, i couldnt cry i was to scared that i was gonna die. He laughed so loud in a screech again, this time louder. He used me as an audience for his entertainment, the shadow man finished his meal which was my despair. And just like that, vanished like the air. This is the story of the shadow man, the monster who stole my family and is still torturing me now. From time to time he will appear in the corner of my eye just to remind me and make me cry, the shadow man is still lurking around, he could be beneath you looking up from the ground. -Kid
Posted on: Thu, 14 Nov 2013 14:50:20 +0000

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