There was a time not long ago when I struggled with finding my - TopicsExpress


There was a time not long ago when I struggled with finding my purpose. It took me decades to figure out what God meant for me to do. In 2009, I had a life-shaking experience that rocked me. In that pain and isolation, I sought God. I gave up what I had wanted for what HE had wanted. When I finally did that, things fell into place. That search for purpose became a little clearer. Our band got back together and began playing shows. We also lived out a dream by playing at Cornerstone. Playing with bands led us to network with others. We began putting on shows of our own, which led to Kingdom Come Festivals birth, and ultimately, when others joined us, to the creation of Always One Ministries. We know people whose lives have been changed through music. I gave my life to Christ at a Christian rock show. I know Jeremy from our staff, gave his life to Christ listening to Demon Hunter. Skip from our ministry answered Jeremy from Nine Lashes call to choose Christ...and the list goes on and on. In 2014, God provided for us in a major way. At every dead-end when there seemed to be no way, HE provided a way. We were thousands short going into KCF, and yet somehow when all the dust settled, we not only broke even, but made .06 profit. The same story at Pitfest where we looked to be hundreds short, somehow at the end of the night, we were even. Sure A1M, is always broke...that is why we are always seemingly fundraising. But every single cent we raise is spent on events to change lives. In 2014, I can honestly say that even though we had fewer events in total, we had by far our most life-changing year. We dont know how many people accepted Christ or re-dedicated their lives to Him. There was ONE girl who did it very publicly. But someone said maybe upwards of 50-100 more across Foster Park did so as well. Then people came to the front step on their knees following the nudge of the Holy Spirit, it was so overwhelming.There were around another dozen more at Pitfest. So when I am asked who I am or what I do. I am so proud to be a part of A1M, and doing what we can to set a stage so that God can steal the show. If there is anyone who is on my friends list who hasnt seen what Always One Ministries and our biggest event, Kingdom Come Festival is about, please take a few moments to watch this video of amazing photos, some video, and some comments from those who attended.
Posted on: Wed, 31 Dec 2014 18:06:22 +0000

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