There was one dog who didnt go on the calendar but who has had the - TopicsExpress


There was one dog who didnt go on the calendar but who has had the severest of all the injuries due to cruelty of any dog that has entered our rescued - those of Honorary GSD Rottweiler Bundy. Bundy joined us as no other rescue group wanted to take on a dog with so many medical issues. Our President Lisa went to meet him, looked into his eyes and had to do something to help him so we made him an honorary GSD and he joined our rescue. Bundy had carpal laxity due to being starved, he was very badly beaten and actually entered the shelter with a sibling who sadly had to be put to sleep due to uncontrollable seizures as a result of the beatings she had endured as a young puppy. Bundy had an issue with his neck - he held it at a funny angle and he also walked in an unusual way. He also appeared to be in a lot of pain. Bundy initially went into foster with our President who also fostered and nursed back to health Zanta. Vets and specialists were really unsure what was wrong with him and so rather than put him through multiple surgeries with no guarantee of any improvement in his quality of life it was decided to go down the route of rehabilitation. Bundy had calcium supplements and underwent sessions with a chiropractor. Then a miracle happened. A very special family in Adelaide wanted to adopt him despite all his issues. Bundy flew from Brisbane to Adelaide and immediately bonded with his new family and brother Chief. They all fell in love with this very special boy and he fell in love with them. Sadly though they found it incredibly difficult to find a vet or a chiropractor who would help Bundy. In fact many wrote him off and said he would use the use of all four of his legs in a short space of time. They therefore made the extremely difficult decision to send him back to Brisbane where he had vets and chiros who were willing to treat him and give him every chance possible. Our President flew down to Adelaide to get him and with a lot of tears and a great deal of sadness his Adelaide family said good bye to him and were absolutely heartbroken. Bundy has been receiving free twice weekly chiro sessions from Cheyne at Clayfield Chiropractor Clinic. Bundy underwent a series of x-rays and he has been diagnosed with scoliosis in his neck and also some slight scoliosis in his elbows. Also and most importantly it was discovered Bundys nerves that controlled the muscle in his shoulder and other muscles on the left hand side of his body had been irreparably damaged which would explain why his carpal laxity in his front right leg improved but his left one did not and also why he looks lob-sided as he has no muscle development on his left hand side. Bundy now wears a leg support as an alternative to surgery kindly given to him by Paulette in memory of her girl Dixie. Bundy has now been with our rescue group for over a year and he has two families - one here in Brisbane (he ended up being a permanent member of our Presidents family) and his family in Adelaide who keep in touch and have flown up to visit him. Bundy remembered them and was so excited to see them again. Bundy has proven the vets and chiros in Adelaide wrong. He is on neurotonin which has helped with his neurological pain. Yes Bundy has a funny gait, no Bundy couldnt do a 5km walk but Bundy goes over the park, he plays, he is naughty (going through a teenage phase), he sits on the sofa and sleeps on the bed. Bundy is quite an inspiration. The fact that he will let a human near him despite the disabilities he has down to human hands. We see his possibilities and not his limitations but most of all Bundy is happy and whilst some people may stare at him he is not aware that he is different. He is just special, unique and he is my Bundy Bear.
Posted on: Mon, 10 Nov 2014 12:21:23 +0000

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