There was this game we used to play on long car rides. It was a - TopicsExpress


There was this game we used to play on long car rides. It was a game he and his buddy, Jon Judge, made up while passing the hours at work together. There were different ways to play it—either he’d say “Okay, let’s start with the letter ‘Q’.” And we’d go back and forth, each getting a turn to come up with a band or artist that started with the letter Q. The first person who couldn’t come up with a band, lost that round and we’d move on to the next letter in the alphabet. We’d bet different things, but mainly it was just to laugh and make fun of each other. Other versions included “Song titles with the word ‘red’ in it” or what have you. Our multiple-hour trips went by in the blink of an eye. I heard the song “No Rain” on the radio this morning and, just like every other time, I started laughing because that was one I used one time while we played. We were naming bands that started with a “B” and I said “Blind Melon!” and he said “You can’t just make them up, Kate!” We didn’t have smart phones, so I couldn’t prove him wrong. Instead I sang the song as best as I could (i.e. shakily and off-key), and described the music video with a little girl dancing around in a bumblebee costume. He just stared at me with a grin, “That’s the most ridiculous thing I’ve heard.” He was the same way with other things, too. He’d be upstairs in our townhome playing videas while Isla napped and I’d be downstairs in our living room and we’d be playing “Words with Friends” against each other at the same time. Sometimes, we’d even be sitting across the room from each other and he’d be on his phone and look up at me with a grin on his face and then my phone would buzz: my turn. Or I’d do the same thing to him, like, “Hell yeah, I’m going to blow your mind with this word and the points I just got!” He always thought I was making up words: “Well then how come they work in the game, Josh?! Why does the game allow it if it’s fake?” And he’d come back at me, “Then you’re cheating!!! What kind of word is ‘ostentatious’? No one knows that word! Use it in a sentence!” And I would. He’d look it up to make sure I used it correctly. And I did. The following week, he’d be talking, “Did you see those ostentatious sunglasses he was wearing?!” and I’d whip my head in his direction and he’d be beaming from ear to ear. “Did you like that, Kate Butt?” It would become as common to him as the word “the” for the rest of the week, just to make me smile. Love him. Make sure you laugh today. Make sure you laugh EVERYday. Be more Josh.
Posted on: Fri, 12 Dec 2014 17:11:17 +0000

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