There will always come a time in our lives when our money,material - TopicsExpress


There will always come a time in our lives when our money,material possessions,worldly positions and titles will be tested for their worth.When your life or the life of a loved one is hanging on a thread or when your whole world around you crumbles,everything else fades into insignificance or looses their meaning and value in a flash and hopelessness creeps in.Everything youve worked hard for and acquired dont seem to have the solution that you desire and which you always thought they had.They finally reveal their true form,lifeless and unresponsive to your inner most cries.Suicide doesnt seem like a bad idea but it is an easy way out for cowards and so ungodly!.This is where Christ comes in,THE SOLUTION!..When we first accept Christ into our lives,and most importantly,for the right reason,we automatically acquire the citizenship of the Kingdom of heaven.We become the property of heaven at that very instant of time.We accept Jesus,we accept heaven.That simply means heaven sanctifies or allows everything that happens to us,both the good and the bad.Nothing happens without the knowledge of our Kingdom.The power of God is only manifested when the negatives and positives are both at work in us.One cannot function without the other.The devil is Gods teaboy and only does what Our Father allows him to do and only fulfills Our Daddys plan and purposes for our lives.We dont pray for these negative situations to go away but we pray for God to empower us with divine inner dynamics to conquer and overcome.That is the power of God revealed thru His sons because we know our spiritual positions and the authority we possess.We dont shun away.We face the heat headon and we rise and soar above our natural limitations because we serve an unlimited spiritual God who finds pleasure in doing the impossible for and thru us for His own glory.If you understand your Father,you will understand your identity and all that is happening in your life.You will be filled with joy and thanks giving in your heart and it will seem like foolishness to others around you.Jesus Christ is the perfect man and the perfect solution without flaw.If we claim to be sons of God,then we surely must know how our kingdom operates.How can you live blindly in your own Kingdom?!..Thats absurd and unheard of!..
Posted on: Fri, 21 Mar 2014 08:39:59 +0000

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