Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life. (Matthew - TopicsExpress


Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life. (Matthew 6:25) A hungry four-year-old opens the refrigerator door to search for a snack. She asks for candy or cookies or ice cream. But then her mother introduces her to reality: “If you’re hungry, have a sandwich, a piece of fruit, or yogurt.” If she were left to her own devices for too long, malnutrition would set in. It’s only through parental guidance that she is able to thrive. It is the responsibility of this girl’s mother to get her child into the habit of coming to her first, before she sets her heart on something that may be bad for her. She knows that eventually her daughter will learn about the dangers of too much junk food and will choose more healthy snacks. But for now, Mom has to make all the decisions. Can we develop a taste for the good food that God has to offer? Jesus says that the best thing we can ask for the Father to give us is “the kingdom of God and his righteousness” (Matthew 6:33). He promises that if we seek these out, then our heavenly Father will provide for all our other needs—even many of our wants! These words from Jesus sound so hopeful and inspiring, don’t they? But sometimes it’s hard for us to act on them. We may find them comforting, but when push comes to shove, we can still go for the “junk food” of self-centeredness and self-sufficiency. Think back to a time when you got out ahead of God instead of waiting for his wisdom or trusting in his providence. How did it go? Usually these paths of self-sufficiency lead farther away from the Lord and into anxiety instead, don’t they? Are you feeling anxious about your life right now? Are you feeling tempted to follow your own wisdom without asking for the Lord’s guidance? Don’t do it! Jesus, your Savior, is also your Provider. He can be your help in every situation if you will let him. Don’t settle for anything less than all the goodness he has stored up for you! “Lord, you have so many good gifts that you want to give. Why would I ever look elsewhere? Help me to wait on you and to rest in the treasures you have for me.”
Posted on: Sat, 22 Jun 2013 07:13:01 +0000

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