Theres No Place Like Home, Theres No Place Like Home... or TUT!! - TopicsExpress


Theres No Place Like Home, Theres No Place Like Home... or TUT!! Two Days till the T3-Orlando takes flight, and Two More E-Cubed Experiments to go once we cross Over the Rainbow to the IP Marathon Finish Line today ~ YAY!! Hope everyones had a wonderful time following along at HOME (cause Theres No Place Like...), spectating, participating, and/or cheering others on :D Focusing on Chapter 7-THE MEANING OF LIFE* for Todays Open Group Chatfest here on the Study Club ~ Everyones Welcome to Join the Post Race Celebration, so BRING FRIENDS!! -=- Appreciate yourself, because the more you do, the more everyone else will, too, and thats not even the half of it. The more you appreciate yourself, the easier your life will get. Youll become more in demand at work, at home, and everywhere else. Your health will improve. Your balance will improve, and abundance will effortlessly flow to you. Youll sleep better, youre play more; youll fear less, youll know more. And, yes, as unimportant as it may be, youll even get better looking. Minutes and hours will actually be added to your days, and as life gets better, youll gather momentum. In fact, youre already on a roll, and you cant be stopped. Evidence everywhere is mounting; theres no doubting it. Life is /so/ awesome and you are invincible. *You are truly the only mystery you ever have to contend with, and youre no mystery at all. Understand yourself, and youll understand the Universe.* Dooley, Mike (2009-09-03). Magical Universe, Infinite Possibilities (p. 269). Atria Books/Beyond Words. Kindle Edition. -=- *Marathon Course Map, Race Info Packet and Goodie Bag* https://facebook/events/377260439112574/ Teaming up with our sister group, BE-Squared, to add a little over-the-rainbow excitement to this IP marathon run! facebook/groups/BE.Squared/ Course Lesson Reference: IP Lesson 1: THOUGHTS BECOME THINGS/E-CUBED EXPERIMENT #1 THE BOOGIE-WOOGIE COROLLARY (OR THE IMPORTANCE OF NOT BEING EARNEST) -- deadline is today. Post results here or on the corresponding E-Squared thread. https://facebook/groups/IPStudyClub/permalink/653054631471471/ IP Lesson 2: BELIEFS/E-CUBED EXPERIMENT #2 The RED PILL COROLLARY (/OR/ A QUICK REFRESHER COURSE): Life Emanates from Me -- in progress.https://facebook/groups/IPStudyClub/permalink/653549811421953/ IP Lesson 3: EMOTIONS/E-CUBED EXPERIMENT #3 THE SIMON COWELL COROLLARY (OR WHY YOU’RE NOT CAPABLE OF JUDGING ANYTHING) https://facebook/groups/IPStudyClub/permalink/654002904709977/ IP Lesson 4: TAKING ACTION/E-CUBED EXPERIMENT #4 THE “I’M LOVING AND I KNOW IT” COROLLARY (OR THERE IS NO “THEM”) https://facebook/groups/IPStudyClub/permalink/654438701333064/ IP Lesson 5: INSTINCTS AND HUNCHES, DREAMS AND DESIRES/E-CUBED EXPERIMENT #5 YOUR NEW B.F.F. COROLLARY (OR MONEY: ITS NOT COMPLICATED) https://facebook/groups/IPStudyClub/permalink/655006311276303/ IP Lesson 6: FAITH AND THE MAGICAL UNIVERSE/E-CUBED EXPERIMENT #6 THE NATURE VS. NEWS COROLLARY (/OR/) WHY YOU SHOULD REALLY GET OUT MORE) https://facebook/groups/IPStudyClub/permalink/655310154579252/ *IP Lesson 7: THE MEANING OF LIFE/E-CUBED EXPERIMENT #7 THE “IF YOU SAY SO” COROLLARY (OR YOUR WORDS ARE WANDS THAT SHAPE YOUR LIFE): https://facebook/groups/BE.Squared/permalink/1494349717498214/ Meme: What I Say Doesnt Matter Besides, Im Only Responding to What I See Worldview 2.0: I Will Bring Abundance and Joy into My Life Once I Stop Talking Smack about It. Grout, Pam (2014-09-16). E-Cubed: Nine More Energy Experiments That Prove Manifesting Magic and Miracles Is Your Full-Time Gig (p. 169). Hay House, Inc.. Kindle Edition.
Posted on: Tue, 13 Jan 2015 17:02:36 +0000

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