Theres a FB friend out there, whom Ive never met, well actually - TopicsExpress


Theres a FB friend out there, whom Ive never met, well actually shes not even a friend but she writes a lot so she always pops up somewhere on the Internet. Shes all over the place, vaya, a little bit like me with so many projects at the same time! (aSí soy yo, qué se le va a hacer)... Sometimes my friend speaks in so much detail giving plain, graphic explanation of absolutely everything, talking to people out there as if we were all three year old, that she can be a little pain in the... *a*..rt of subtle metaphors... But to quote I dont remember who, a wise one for sure, what gets on our nerves in others is what gets on our nerves in ourselves first. (Im sure it was said in more poetic words but Im quoting by heart here... Oops, here we go, Im starting to sound like my friend, giving so much explanation! Haha! Freaking teacher reflex...) The thing is that she said something the other day blaming herself for an attitude that she wanted to change. She said that she was too gullible. For some reason I started thinking (freaking teacher + crazy language-lover reflex) of the etymology of gullible, and it reminded me of gula, the Spanish word flor gluttony (considered one of the seven sins, cómo no...) And I went further in my exciting journey in the land of languages connections thinking we also say tragar in Spanish and avaler in French (to swallow) when we mean that a “gull” is someone who blindly believes something swallowing the whole lie... So what kind of bird is that “gull”? It will be up to my friend to decide among several options. A seagull like that one who gobbled con gula an ice cream I was trying to eat on Pier 39, SF, CA, a looooong time ago? The bird did swallow it all then! ...Swallow... Another nice little birdie whom I like very much because she understands me, and she winks and smiles at me before diving in the blue bowl above the earth, my little sky dolphin... You know what, FB friend? Let me be you and tell you what I would do If I were you... ¿Huh? Heehee… I would want to stay like the swallow, at least partly, I would want to keep on searching for stories, wanting to know, being curious of many things, and YES, believing SOME of the stories that others carefully make up for me, BUT, only when they are nice stories... Because, without believers, what would storytellers become, right? I think that the secret to separate the wheat from the husk (to know which stories we want and need to believe, that is) is to know what to spit from our system, like the alleged (and sometimes imposed) common sense of stupid proverbs like piensa mal y acertarás, so that we can only keep what sounds like beautiful love songs to our ears... By the way, and even though se supone que se dice el pecado, no el pecador (Spanish expression equivalent of protecting the guilty, but of course were talking about the Holy Inquisitions lovechild here, so the guilty was automatically turned into a sinner...), my friend was named after love. Her name comes from Old French and it evolved after someone somehow played around with the original letters of the verb a*i*mer. I highlight the i in to love, because if we dont take the i into account, the result is amer; in French it means bitter... No amour (love) possible if we take the i out of our love. Thats something I always have to remind myself of, especially here, where love (amo*u*r) is spelled in Spanish without U... No trUe love without loving both *i* and *u*... OK, this was my letter to self in which I complain about the traits of character of a friend who shows me which traits of characters are utterly mine... Haha! To end this letter to self, Ill retake what was my email signature for a long time: Siempre cree en tus sueños más valiosos para que entren en tu vida de lleno, al igual que los retiene, presos en su red, el dreamcatcher nativo car comme dit GCM, alias Fabien, dans un de ses morceaux: Le monde appartient à ceux qui rêvent trop!
Posted on: Mon, 26 Jan 2015 11:50:15 +0000

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