Theres a growing attitude of I have the right to break the - TopicsExpress


Theres a growing attitude of I have the right to break the law. This is not a criminal mindset as much of an attitude of perceived rights and self-righteousness. It can be understood as my feelings, wants and emotions trump prohibitions and safety laws. This has given rise to a large amount of bad behavior (e.g. public intoxication, drug use/purchasing, etc) done under the justification of its not hurting anybody. Such people often become ... quarrelsome when this behavior is called into question. This especially when the person trying to communicate with them is other than law enforcement. How dare you! You dont have the right to do anything about my obnoxious and illegal behavior. This is the source of a lot of conflict and violence. That being said, this attitude is becoming so rampant that some people feel they have the right to argue with the police too. That the police dont have the right to stop them from engaging in this behavior ... if you want to be on the receiving end of a police use of force incident THATS the attitude to have.
Posted on: Wed, 13 Aug 2014 19:08:21 +0000

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