Theres a little known and obscure topic that eerily hovers right - TopicsExpress


Theres a little known and obscure topic that eerily hovers right before our very eyes. It is generally dismissed apathetically as a natural occurrence, and upon hearing contrary the idea is violently attacked until it is nullified in the minds of the willfully ignorant. One of the main reason this continues to be hidden in plain sight is our unwillingness to be courageous and face our fate. If, there is one advantage to traveling it is not so much the beauty of the new countryside but rather all distinctions to be contemplated. The differences between my native New Jersey and Colorado taught me how natural environments dictate cultures, accents, dispositions, and of course, life sustaining resources like water, which was historically never taken for granted in CO. If i never left my native New Jersey I would probably still be living under a cloud....literally. My clarity on the subject started with Hurricane Sandy which brought me sorrow for my native state while simultaneously bringing forth inquiries into natures alleged behavior. My endless inquiry ended with an absolute conclusion after our September of 13 flood..So, If a cub can be snatched from its mother and trained to perform in a circus is that not proof that man can override natures eternal laws? As a rule we should never take anything for granted whether it be natural resources or the protection of an almighty God. youtube/watch?v=foBqPwmwQqQ&list=PLr_XEhro5j4BnAaepeC0nSNpDgfLlBTnd
Posted on: Fri, 21 Nov 2014 17:58:58 +0000

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