Theres a lot of well-deserved talk out there about the problems - TopicsExpress


Theres a lot of well-deserved talk out there about the problems women have in achieving true equality in this country, but Ive noticed criticism tends to fall a bit silent when it comes to questions of equality in fashion. Because women definitely have the upper hand here. Theres so much staggering variety in womens fashions, and the greater majority of it can be worn on any occasion without raising eyebrows. So many colourful prints and patterns and frills to choose from, and the majority of it viewed as practically standard-issue. In places of work not requiring a standardised uniform, a woman seems to have far more latitude with regards to allowable colour, cut, style, and accessories. No one seems to think twice if a woman shows up to work wearing a colourful neckerchief and suede boots tailored in an antiquated style. She might even get complimented for it. But let a man show up in a workplace with a similar style of fashion, and people want to know what the occasion is. Or maybe hell get called into the managers office and told his outfit is inappropriate. You might hear people in the staff-room say, I had no idea he was gay. These days, a woman can wear pants or jeans out in the open and very few will find it peculiar. Same with button-down shirts. But see a man out in public wearing a dress or a skirt and its considered scandalous (and dont tell me kilts are an exception. We still get judged askew when we do it, people wanting to know, so, why are you in a kilt? and so on. It isnt viewed as an everyday part of mens fashion in this country.) I think the Western male might be the only mammal on earth who is expected to be LESS colourful than the female, or in which a colourful display by a male is seen as a sign of _lower_ virility, as opposed to the opposite. Well played, women. Well played.
Posted on: Sun, 07 Dec 2014 04:41:19 +0000

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