Theres a man that is stalked my son and I for 15 years. Hes been - TopicsExpress


Theres a man that is stalked my son and I for 15 years. Hes been insisting since my early thirties said it was too dangerous for me to have any more children that they would probably be retarded if I did and he is preceded to destroy my family and my son. We have now fled from eight states in 9 cities this man GPS locate us through cell phone downloads and computer downloads. Then he has locals stalk us for him through either biker gangs or some type of affiliated connection to some group. Nasty ads are posted on Craigslist about myself and my son to destroy our reputations to the locals. It took him 10 years to realize that I really do hate him. He just had one of his affiliated biker fellows approach me and explain to me there is no pill for retardation. My reply was a retarded person would know better than to do something like this so what is his excuse for himself. There is a similar case of stocking being prosecuted now in the state of Florida were two teenage girls did the same thing to another teenager the committed suicide. There was another girl Amanda Todd from Canada that after 4 years of a similar stalking she had went thru she started cutting herself and drinking bleach trying to cause more physical pain to herself then this man was causing her emotional pain inside. The photo I posted the sum of the scars on my sons body due to the depression that have been caused him even though he was an innocent victim and I the target. The same then have listened to the download to my phone to my son cry in pain all night long well I held him and cried with him and they laughed out loud about it the next day. Daytona Beach Florida is infested with these men. Please if the acts of cruelty discussed you do something about it help me please by reporting this to the FBI and a group called anonymous. We need your help if anyone has any information on who these people responsible are pleased to report this right away. My son has been an innocent victim that has suffered at the hands of these men since he was 6 years old please help us put an end to these vicious crimes. These men need to be behind bars were they can hurt no other women and no other child I know with no doubt I am NOT the only one and my son is NOT the only child being victimized by these people! Women that are victimized by these crimes hide in fear for their children and their lives we must all come together and put an end to this! You must remember what is there to fear of a man that victimizes women and children? There is nothing to fear for they are not even men them selfs. They prey on what is weak because they are weak and if victimizing women and children and a penis between your legs are all they have to show their power as a man well then theyre not men at all are they? I am one of five other victims I know of we have got to do something to stop this now! The same people have robbed me of my computers and a lot of my ability to fight the fight that I have been against them I need help from all of you that are opposed to the abuse of women and children! Again these crimes are committed with cell phone and computer downloads this is a federal crime do not call your local police they cannot help you. And again if there any ladies out there reading this that are victims of these crimes remember weakness attacks the weaker these are sad little man in all reality do not fear them!
Posted on: Sat, 02 Nov 2013 23:47:38 +0000

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