Theres a reason the age-old story of the hare and the tortoise is - TopicsExpress


Theres a reason the age-old story of the hare and the tortoise is still around. Its true. Hares may be quick off the starting block, but they usually crash and burn before reaching the finish line. Tortoises, on the other hand, pace themselves for the long haul and reach their goal. The difference between them, however, is not speed. Its consistency. Consistency is probably the single most important factor to success in any endeavor. Its showing up for yourself time after time after time. Whether your goal is to lose weight, increase flexibility, improve strength, or learn to play the piano, showing up is half the battle, and its the only way to get anywhere in the long run. So focus on consistency first, and worry about ramping it up later—the momentum will build naturally. Before you know it, youll be cruising along with ease and youll sail right by that hare like hes standing still, which shouldnt be too hard to do when hes passed out under a bush.
Posted on: Thu, 18 Sep 2014 21:01:44 +0000

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